Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A Journal of My Days: 2/1/23

 Welcome to A Working Pantry and today's post!

if this is your first visit, we hope you find something that will make you want to come back.  If you are a regular reader, please know that you are appreciated so very much!  I love the little community of frugal living, like-minded, pantry building people we are building here and am happy that you've chosen to be a part of it!

I looked at the test strip in disbelief, it couldn’t be, not again!

I started feeling ‘off’ and having trouble breathing last evening but attributed it to my asthma and to the rainy, damp, cool, off and on cold/warm weather we’ve been having.

This morning I was not any better and had developed other symptoms so I began searching my mind for what could be going on and then I remembered that this was not the first time I had experienced these same symptoms … it couldn’t be!

As I stood looking at the test strip, I called my husband over to confirm what I was seeing … I have covid again!

I am doing everything I did before hoping and praying for the same or even better outcome.  If you are of a mind, I would appreciate prayers for a fast and complete recovery.

So, what did I do with my down time today when I felt like doing anything?

I read more in the book I’m currently reading, Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

I also spent extra time in God’s word.  Whenever I have a forced time of recovery from an illness or accident, etc, if I’m physically able, I look at it as an opportunity to do some deep Bible studying.   I did some today and was able to put fuel in my spiritual cup.  My body wasn’t feeling too good, but my spiritual cup was overflowing.

How do you spend your ‘forced’ down time?

From the archives:

I hope you've found something helpful or inspiring in today's post!

Until tomorrow ...


Sharing 42 years' experience of frugal, prudent living and pantry building 

A Working Pantry

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine 

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

You can view my privacy policy HERE


  1. Oh my! That’s sure no fun. Take care of yourself.

    1. Rhonda, no, it's definitely not fun! Thank you!

  2. Patsi, sorry to hear of the relapse...take care!

  3. I am so sorry. Prayers that you will feel much better. Get as much rest as you can.
    We all had covid a few weeks ago. We had managed to avoid it for 3 years, but I think this strain was even more contagious.

  4. Oh Patsi you poor thing having it twice as once or none is certainly enough :o .

    Rest up and get well and look after yourself and eat well. You will be in our prayers from Australia.

    We have fortunately missed either of us getting Covid so far, which is a miracle considering how many medical appointments we go to with DH. It has been all around us and many of our friends have had it but we were away from church and other social venues when they got it.


  5. I cough! When I got COVID, I couldn't even read. Just cough. I did get a nebulizer? so I hope that will put a stop to that misery!!
    Prayers for a speedy healing!

  6. Oh dear! I hope you will soon be up and about again. In the meantime, my favourite thing to do when I am ill or recovering from illness is to look at a picture book - not too much brain power required and it can be picked up and put down without having to worry about losing my place. I tried audio books, but they just sent me off to sleep!

  7. Oh bless your heart! Take care and praying for you!

  8. Oh, no! I am so so sorry that you've contracted Covid. Prayers for healing. Take the time you need to recover and regain your strength.

  9. Praying you have a quick recovery.

  10. Praying you'll have a speedy recovery.

  11. Oh no, Patsi! Please rest and take care of yourself. I am praying that you have a speedy recovery and that your husband doesn't catch it.

  12. Oh no! My parents have COVID as well. I hope you recover soon. Take it easy and enjoy reading your book today!

  13. I'm praying that you have a quick recovery, Patsy, and that your husband doesn't get it also. One thing to be thankful for is that you didn't get it in the spring when you are so busy gardening. Get plenty of rest....Glenda S.

  14. Oh no! I'm hoping this will be a short illness. Sending prayers and hugs your way.


  15. Patsy, I will most certainly pray for you.

  16. Oh my. I’m sorry you’re dealing with Covid. I’ll add you to my prayer list
