~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Building a One Month Basic Preparedness Pantry ... part 5

You can read previous posts 
HERE along with an explanation of why I'm doing this series HERE. 

In this post we're going to talk about water … water to drink, water to flush your toilet, water for your animals and water to run your household.

In a disaster situation drinkable, useable water is often the first thing that becomes unavailable and is the one thing we cannot live without.

Several days after some of the stores in our area had electricity restored, they still did not have safe water to drink or bathrooms for customers use.  One store set up port-a-potties outside the store.  Another store limited the number of customers that could be in the store at one time to 25 because there was no water for the store sprinkler system. Both of these are very large nationally well-known stores.

Drinkable, useable water was trucked into our area by the tractor trailer loads for several weeks. Watering stations were set up in different locations so people could get the water they needed.   For those who were trapped by the flood waters or damaged roads getting drinkable water was a real issue.

So, let’s talk about water and look at some ways to be prepared in this area …

Bottled water (watch for sales and stock up if it’s not an immediate emergency), you would need to use and rotate to keep fresh

5 gallon size jugs of water you can purchase, you would need to use and rotate to keep fresh  

Fill up the bathtub or use a waterbob

Use Watering cans to transport water

Fill up clean empty milk cartons

Fill up empty juice bottles

Boil, treat and sterilize water from outside sources (you would want to be careful where you got the water).  

Catch rain water  


Sharing 42 years' experience of frugal, prudent living and pantry building 

A Working Pantry

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine 

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

You can view my privacy policy HERE


  1. We use well water at our house, so if we loose hydro, we loose our water as well. Furthermore, when this area was affected by flooding a few years ago, my parent were told to assume the well water was contaminated from flood waters (which usually has fecal contamination), despite the hydro still working. They were told to boil the water before using for weeks afterwards, just in case.

    I started buying cases of water to store, in case of emergencies. We currently have several stored on a shelf in our basement. To rotate them, we use the bottled water regularly to offer company and to take with us when we go on day trips. It's much cheaper to take bottled water with us, then to buy the over-priced bottles at various attractions, events or even at convenience stores! As you said, I watch for sales (especially during the summer...they often go on sale for $0.98/18 bottles and that's in Canada!) and replace the cases as we use them, taking care to rotate the stock and use older cases first.

    We also have a few large, recycled water/juice bottles filled with our well water. They don't get rotated very often, so despite being clean water, it's not really good for drinking. However, we can use this water for cleaning (dishes, hands or other hygiene) or possibly cooking with.

    We live very close to a waterway system (walking distance if need be, though hauling water by hand is hard work) and our area is well known for it's lakes. There is no shortage of places we could draw water from to use for flushing toilets!

  2. Water is one of the hardest things to store in large quantities for us. We have a few cases of water bottles that get used up and rebought. I keep 100 soda bottles that I rotate out every 6 months. We live near a lake so we purchased Lifestraws and a water purification system. We keep a Lifestraw in the car in case anything ever happens while we are away.

  3. This is a great series of posts. I hope you'll come over and link them all at The Fabulous January Party. Here's this weeks link:
    Thanks for linking and don't forget to comment for extra points in the Happy Birthday Giveaway!

  4. We keep toilet flushing water in gas cans in our garage. They have been there for about 20 years and never leaked. We just refill them when we use them.

  5. We have a bore(underground water) we could pump to use for household water. We have a small rainwater tank that's behind our shed. We could use this for drinking water if required. Our neighbours have large rainwater tanks so drinkable water would be available to us.

  6. Does anyone know how long you could keep and safely drink, the water kept in glass bottles away from sunlight?
    We have pretty good tap water where we live, so do not drink bottled water regularly, but I do keep some (glass bottled water)in a cupboard for when the water mains is cut off.

    1. I've read 6 months unless it is treated so I rotate mine every 6 months.

    2. Thank you! Will do the same :)
      Blessings X

  7. I have about 10 gallons of drinking water and only about 3 gallons of non-drinking water so i need to up my game for the water. I live in the city so no streams or ponds near by unless you count the Willamette River that I live close to but actually to far away to be helpful.

  8. Thank you Patsi for sharing this link! I have added it to our post! :)

  9. P.S. Are you Patsi or Patsy? I see both spellings on your blog? Thanks! :)

    1. Jes, I use both spellings so feel free to use either.

    2. How interesting! Thanks-- I will use the "y" then :)
