~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Do You Have "Pantry Building Eyes?"

You might have ‘pantry building eyes’ if …

Your eyes automatically start scanning the shelves for clearance stickers when you first enter a grocery store isle.

You turn into a sleuth by analyzing, circling and marking up your grocery store sales flyers before you go shopping so you’ll know what to watch and look for once you get to the store(s).

You take a glancing notice of what others have in their grocery carts, if someone has a large number of the same items that might indicate an unadvertised or clearanced out special.

You always check the ‘dent and damaged’ clearance section of your store(s) to see what you can find.

You ‘see’ all the possibilities of a marked down item.   For example, let’s say that shredded potatoes are being marked down in a store where you’re shopping.   You could use them in casseroles, to make hash browns, in soups, in pot pies, etc.    You ‘see’ all kinds of possibilities that will stretch that marked down item into several meals.

What about you, do you have ‘pantry building eyes?’   

If so, what do your 'pantry building eyes' look for when you're grocery shopping or preparing to grocery shop?


She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

My pantry is intentional, purposeful, simple, practical, frugal and what works for my family.  It’s the food items and household supplies that keep my household running smoothly ready and available when they are needed.  It’s my contribution to our family’s economy and my work-from-home ‘job.'

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  1. You just described me exactly!!! And, I've trained my entire family to do the same thing!

    1. Holley, Yeah, now that's some smart thinking!

  2. I look at every grocery store ad in our town. We are home to several and it's great. I know the Aldi prices to compare to other's ads. If I see stock up prices, I will make the trip to that store. I check the fresh veg. basket in our closest store as they always have salads and other great buys. Close to that is the mark down shelf. I was taught by the best shopping mom of 6! She was a widower that had to make it stretch.

    1. Mom at home, it sounds like you've learned well!

  3. That is a great list of tips!

    We checked out a new scratch and dent grocery on our town on Friday. We picked up some great deals but the one that stands out is 2 pound bags of whole bean coffee for $3.50.

    1. Lana, that is a good price for whole bean coffee! You did good!

  4. I too have 'pantry peepers'! I do all of the above, plus I am constantly looking for wild edibles to forage when we walk down the country roads we live on, and I am preparing an area for planting the paddle shaped cactus, since it is edible. I have a friend who calls me every few months to bring my ice chests and bags so she can empty her excess out of her freezers, fridges and pantry (she has a special diet, and can only keep certain foods for a short time). I never turn down food offered to me by folks who are moving.

    1. Evelyn, 'pantry peepers' ... I love that!!! I never turn down food I'm given either!!!

  5. I think I know where every clearance section in every store is..Walgreens, Staples, Hobby Lobby, etc! I also know the day that my favorite thrift store marks things down each week!

  6. Yes I do the same !!!
    Actually I was in a little local shop yesterday and picked up 5 reduced items went to the cashier .. she said I HAVE JUST REDUCED THOSE WAS THINKING YOU MIGHT BE IN THIS AFTERNOON .. I am infamous by the sounds of it :)

    1. Effieq, that's when you know you're doing a good job, when others think of you and markdowns in the same thought.

  7. I am learning to have Pantry Building Eyes. Your $5 Challenge has helped me with this. I am always on the lookout on how to best spend that $5. I want to get the most I can out of that $5, but it be items that will actually get used :)

    1. Wendy, oh, yes, spending just to spend is no good nor is buying something you can't use just to get the deal. We must be prudent shoppers with our $5 ... and all monies.

  8. I love the reduced rack of wheat bread, as I cannot make my own. The rest of the family can have it, though, so I stock up and freeze several loaves and packages when I find good things there. Once, I even found gluten-free raisin cinnamon bread that I could have!

    I also love the rack of items they are just getting rid of, and pick through those items hoping to find some I actually need. Otherwise, I pass them by until the next time.

    Grocery Outlet is kind of like an entire store of a bargain rack.....most of the time, so I love going there. It's kind of like a treasure hunt, though. Things come and go, so I usually end up at the regular store for the rest of the items I couldn't get there.

    1. Becky, that Grocery Outlet sounds like some where I would enjoy shopping!

  9. Dear Patsy,
    Yes, I do many of the things you mentioned! Wednesday is our grocery shopping day and before I go to the store, I check the ads, apps for coupons/rebates, and make my menu and list. (I even share the ads with little John and explain to him what is and isn't a good deal, haha!) I know in the store where the clearance things usually are and I keep my eyes peeled for that clearance color tag! My husband helps in this so we have two pairs of eyes looking out for deals. One of the cashiers knows us well because of all the clearance things we buy. Tomorrow is another shopping day and we are still on track with the grocery budget and my husband's special diet, whoo hoo!
    Love, Kelsey

    1. Kelsey, you do have 'pantry building eyes!' You go girl!

  10. Ha, I love this. I don't so much do it in the grocery store, but boy do I ogle over pantries. What kind of jars are they using? How deep are the shelves? Any unique storage quirks? Oh, look at those peaches. Where are the spuds? I'm sure it's an illness of some sort.

    1. Lady Locust ... LOL, if it's an illness, you're not the only one who has it!!!!

  11. I definitely have "Pantry Building Eyes". My family hates shopping with me because I always walk the entire store, watching for great unadvertised deals, even if I only need "a few things". I always have an ongoing list, especially for Costco, of items I will pick up only if on sale. I can't do a true "no-spend" month (unless we really had necessary budget restrictions), because it makes no sense to me to pass up great pantry building deals all while eating down your pantry! But most importantly, I spend a lot of time reading blogs like yours, to educate myself on new ways to stretch my pennies and build a better, more frugal and functional pantry.

    1. Rhonda, we shop the same way, I have several items on my ongoing list that I'm always looking for sales on. We did a low spend month this month for that very reason.

  12. Usually, I go up and down every aisle in the store and even check in the corners. I go though the produce carefully and find deals there. I find all the deals in the store and stock up from that. The cashiers are impressed. Of course, before I shop, I have gone through all the sale ads. I also buy sweet potatoes in bulk from the grower, seeing them in the field and stacked in their warehouse. Plus, I seek out free produce to get.

  13. Hi Patsy and reading through older posts as I have just discovered your website :) .

    I go shopping always with my husband so we have two sets of "pantry eyes" going at the same time. Must say that DH has of late been so much more observant in spotting bargains too which helps.

    Before I go shopping I have looked through all the grocery sales brochures, the supermarkets website etc and make my list and add it up with a total at the end (strangely I have had comments from other ladies on how efficient that is so other shoppers do notice things). Also when we are in the store we take a quick scan of all meat and dairy cabinets to see if we can spot any markdown specials there too and pick them up when we see them too.


    1. Sewingcreations15, my husband and I are the same way!!!

  14. When growing up, I lived in a somewhat rural community, so trips to the grocery store were most often once or twice a month. I now live in a suburban area, with at least 5 national grocery chains + a locally-owned chain within just a couple of miles. I subscribe to most of their frequent shopper programs and utilize digital coupons (one automatically uploads all digital coupons to your account, so you don't even have to go in and clip the ones you want; wish they'd all do that!). I also go through the grocery ads and will stock up when items are listed as a loss-leader or during a "super sale". Over the years, I've also learned when my favorite retailers mark down their meats -- and that's when I do my shopping, checking the sale cases first. Sale meat is immediately put through my Food Saver and goes into the freezer. I also check their clearance produce cases (fresh fruit for smoothies, items to be chopped and put into the freezer for later use) and dry goods clearance racks. The other thing I regularly do is a pantry and freezer inventory in early Fall and, based on my inventory, I make a list of items I need to stock up on or will need more of for holiday gatherings. You can count on canned goods going on sale for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and that's when I stock up and cross things off my list. My goal is to get to a point where I'm only buying fresh produce and dairy once or twice a month and relying more on my pantry.

    1. Lori, I love your plan, it's much like mine! You go girl!!!
