~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Mornings With Me: 10/8/24

It's Tuesday afternoon, and I'm back with a 'Mornings with Me! post.  'Mornings with Me' post are simply posts where I share what the morning of said day looked like ... homemaking my way, if you will.

So, what did my morning look like?

It started off with my morning routine and chores.  You know those chores have to be done, whether we want to or not.  

This morning was my weekly Bible study class with a local friend that we meet online and do.  But before it was time to begin, I did get this little item on my 'to-do' list started ...

For those of you who have been long time followers, do you remember Prudence?

Prudence is my 'years' old sourdough starter that I wake up and use for a while, then put back to sleep until I want to use her again.  I've literally been doing sourdough this way for years.

With the holidays approaching and gift giving season shortly to be upon us, I need to get Prudence working again to make holiday goodies.

That's what I did this morning, I got all my supplies out and set them on the counter, enjoyed my Bible study class, and then picked back up with Prudence once it was over.

Later this afternoon I'll give Prudence her first feeding, put her in a warm place with a breathable cap on (a.k.a. a coffee filter held down by a rubber band) for 24 hours and then feed her again.  I'll continue feeding and getting her ready to go to work for a few days.  I should be able to start baking with Prudence towards the end of the week.

That's it, that was my morning!  What did your morning look like?

Don't forget to leave a comment!

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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1 comment:

  1. We got up to a French toast .casserole that I had prepped yesterday. I had taken my bag of homemade bread crusts out of the freezer to make croutons. There were some really thick pieces so I cubed those up for the casserole. I also have two quarts of croutons. One quart is vacuum sealed to keep for after the first one is gone.

    I sent a text to the church staff member who cares for the elderly in our church asked mg if she knew of any church members we could hire to help us . She called me within a few minutes and asked what we needed done and said a team of men at church are helping church members who need help. They can do everything we need except grind stumps. She even offered to send someone to clean our house inside! This is our church! So blessed.
    Shortly after someone we had contacted about the stumps called to say he could do the work. Things look ok so much better now that we have help on the way!

    Praying that Hurricane Milton loss it's strength.
