~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Monday, January 29, 2018

From the Archives: Pantry Building Pep Talk!

I address the #1 excuse I'm given for not keeping a well-stocked pantry in this post ... to find out what that excuse is and my response go ...


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She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

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  1. Our missionary daughter lives downtown in a big city in Germany and she gets frustrated with how she cannot keep a pantry there. Grocery shopping is done on foot and carried home in a backpack. She rides the train with their 3 year old to school every morning and then stops in the market near the school for food for the day and carries it home on the train and then walks from the train station. Then it all gets carried up 4 flights of stairs. She says that it is a constant struggle to keep food in the house and everything is closed on Sundays there so they have to get enough home for the weekend at some point. on top of that they have a tiny refrigerator. I just cannot imagine! It really makes me appreciate my pantry even more.

    1. Lana, that does sound like a difficult situation!

  2. I live downtown and don't drive so use public transit as well. I use a bundle buggy or trolley for my grocery shopping. But have to admit - while I also live on the 4th floor, at least my building has an elevator which makes a huge difference. I often pick up even just a few things if I'm out doing other errands just to keep things topped up.

    1. Margie, and that's how it's done! Those few things add up over time, don't they? Smart thinking!

    2. So glad you have an elevator. Our daughter said she tried buying extra on things and the locals looked at her like she was a greedy American so she doesn't anymore. They were chosen for Europe because they are willing to assimilate and live like locals so she is really trying to do that.
