~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Sourdough Bread Recipe

I revived Prudence (my sourdough starter) again and am making bread on a weekly schedule for a while.  The first week I make 2 pans of rolls and 1 loaf and we used the rolls for slider type sandwiches. (Only one pan of rolls is shown in the picture below.)

It was so convenient to have these rolls on hand that when baking day rolled around again I decided to make all the dough up in rolls. 

After sharing pictures of my efforts with others, I've been asked to share the recipe, so here you go ...

I watched these video's from Alderman's Farm and wrote down what she did:

Easy Sourdough Start to Finish, One Loaf of Sourdough Bread

Here's what I wrote down ...

 (makes 3 loaves)

1/4 cup sugar

1 Tablespoon salt

1.5 cups warm water

1 cup sourdough starter

 1 Tablespoon yeast (optional)  

1/2 cup oil

6 cups flour

Knead dough and let rise for roughly 12 hours  (It only takes a couple of ours for the dough to rise at my house when I add yeast.)

Shape into three (3) loaves and let rise for 3 hours (It only takes about an hour to an hour and a half at my house if I've added yeast.) 

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes


Update:  Here's a link on how to make sourdough starter.  


A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

My pantry is intentional, purposeful, simple, practical, frugal and what works for my family.  It’s the food items and household supplies that keep my household running smoothly ready and available when they are needed.  It’s my contribution to our family’s economy and my work-from-home ‘job.'

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  1. Can you tell me how to start a sourdough starter? I'm sure you have already explained this but I can't seem to find it.

    1. Brandy, I added a link on how to make sourdough starter to the post. Here it is again ... https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/sourdough-starter-recipe

  2. Yummy! Thanks for the recipe! We really like having rolls on hand for sandwiches, too. If we have some that are a little stale we like to cut them open and butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Toast them under the broiler until browned and they are delicious for breakfast.

    My kitchen is in a project situation right now so I am without a stove. I am really having to be creative and will be so happy when this is done. I did a baking day yesterday and stuffed the freezer with some things to see us through. We have a 41 year old Jenn Air and that is the only thing it an be replaced with because of our kitchen design. Over the weekend a late model one that is very clean and has a bad control board showed up on Facebook Marketplace for $40. So it is here after much sweat and muscle and we are in the middle of determining if it will work in our cabinet opening and if it is worth fixing. I am so tempted to abandon the project but I also know we need to see this through. If it works out we will have saved at least $2000 by fixing this used one and doing what it takes to get it installed.

    1. Lana, that's a good idea for rolls that get a little stale, thanks! Bless your heart, you've undertaken a big project with your stove, I hope it all goes well. We had a Jenn Air in the house we owned before this one, they are really good stoves!

  3. Patsy how long should I bake the rolls? Is it the same amount as a loaf? I am a beginner baker but have no fear...

    1. Kim, yes 350 degrees for loaf or rolls. Go for it!

  4. Well, I tried it, and the taste is fabulous! I would have liked a higher rise, but I’ll take flavor over looks anytime!
