~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Goals for week of 2/5/23

 It's the time of the week when we look back at how we did on our goals for last week and then set new ones for the upcoming week.

Here's what my goals looked like for last week (how I did on them is in red)

Every week goals:

Zero out Sunday (Financial Goal)  Done! $8.49 was transferred!

Pull a card Monday (Financial Goal)  Done, 34 was the number drawn this week.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes 6 days a week.   Didn't get done due to being sick with covid!

Do some form of Bible study every day of week.  Done!  Some days it was simply reading and writing Scripture, but it kept me in the Word.

My top 3 goals for the week are:

Plan out our 2023 garden on paper.  Didn't happen due to having covid!

Take measurements and decide on the correct size for dress pattern I've selected to make for myself, cut/trim it out and make all the notes needed in preparation for cutting the fabric.  Done!  Although I'm really rethinking the pattern I've chosen!

Get grands Valentine goodies in the mail.  Done!  They already received them and we've received video calls that allowed us to watch them opening them.  It was so much fun to watch them!  Their ooohs! and awwws! over each little item was so special to us!  Yes, it costs a lot to mail these little treats, but the reward for us and the relationships we're building with them far outweigh the cost.

Here's what this week's goals look like:

Every week goals:

Zero out Sunday (Financial Goal)  

Pull a card Monday (Financial Goal) 

Exercise for at least 30 minutes 6 days a week.  My focus will be on doing light exercising this week as my body continues to heal from covid. 

Do some form of Bible study every day of week.  

My top 3 goals for the week are:

Start making seed tapes

Work on memory quilt top

Finish reading Uncle Tom's Cabin

That's it for this week!

From the archives:

I hope you've found something helpful or inspiring in today's post!

Until tomorrow ...


Sharing 42 years' experience of frugal, prudent living and pantry building 

A Working Pantry

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine 

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

You can view my privacy policy HERE


  1. Those Facetime moments are so sweet. We are indeed blessed to be able to see those fun times. We had a tour of our middle son's family's new home yesterday and the kids showed us their basement full of all the moving boxes where they have had so much fun building castles and everything their 2 and 5 year old imaginations can think up.

    1. Lana, what fun, if your grands are like mine, when they have the camera/phone in their little hands, I see bits and pieces of what they want me to see! I love it as they carry on a conversation as if I was there in the room with them.
