~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

It's Time for Holiday Hibernation to Begin!!!

Early this morning we got up and went to a garage estate sale.   It was actually the last stage of an estate sale where they open what's left up to the public, the public shops and gets what they want for a donation.  Nothing is priced and it usually really is the remains of what the family hasn't been able to get rid of.

This estate sale was connected to someone my hubby works with who had invited us to come 'pick' and 'pilfer.'  There is a bigger city close to the estate sale location that we needed to visit for the purpose of locating some items we were looking for, so we decided to hit the estate sale and then go on into the bigger city.

We were the first ones at the estate sale and got first pickings.  (We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!)  We got several things that we could use and made a donation to the family of the deceased.  They were pleased with our donation, and we were pleased to find the items we did.

The sale started at 7 a.m. and we were out of there by 8 on our way to the bigger city.  Everywhere we went there were crowds of people, long lines and way too much traffic for this country girl!

Around 11 a.m. hubby and I looked at each other and agreed that we had had enough and were ready to go back to the country ... which we did!

Our little foray into the city reminded me of the one thing that I don't care for this time of the year ... the traffic, the long lines, the crowded stores and such.  I've been looking forward to this holiday season quite a bit as the last one was emotionally stolen from us by an unexpected family crisis that just devastated us.  But, in order for me to enjoy it and get my holiday mojo flowing, I have to stay away from what we experienced this morning!  Hence, it's time for holiday hibernation to begin!

That means, I want to stay at home as much as I possibly can and out of the stores!  If I do have to go to the store, my desire is to be there when the doors are opened, get what I need and get out!  I love being home and am not a big shopper any time of the year, but especially during the busy holiday season.

Ah!  Sweet holiday hibernation ... bring it on ... after this morning, I'm ready for it!

Until next time,

patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

Sharing 43 years' experience of frugal, prudent living and pantry building 

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine, where I share my love for God and His Word through my personal Bibe study.  Physical preparedness is important, but not near as important as spiritual preparedness.  Ladies, join me over at From This Heart of Mine and study God's Word with me.

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  1. I agree! What fun to get to do that estate sale.

  2. Patsy I am glad you got a few items you needed at the estate auction :) .

    We also live in the country in a quiet village so have to say that traffic and crowded shops are not my cup of tea either. I find myself tensing up as soon as I have to drive in crowded areas and I was bought up in a large city as a teenager.

    I think we just get used to the more laid back lifestyle quite quickly when you live in the country. I know we even buy all of our Christmas things a month or so early except for last minute fruits so we can stay out of the mad rush in the shopping centres and also dare I say it some customers bad behaviour too towards staff. Could be something to do with the fact I worked in retail for many years and are now allergic to it due to what I experienced.

    Happy holiday hibernation I will be joining you too and doing it in our little country Australian village.


    1. Lorna, we've got Christmas nailed down this year too, so it will be easier to be masters of when we go to town, if that makes since! Welcome to the world of holiday hibernation!

  3. Estate sales are just so doggone fun. I've always loved going to them. We're a couple of hours' drive (at least) from any busy, urban area. That was very deliberate when we were deciding where to retire. The nearby town gets busy in the summer months, as folks come here to escape the heat of Phoenix and Tucson, but the winter months are pretty quiet. Still... I don't think there's any time the local Walmart isn't a zoo. Easier (as you said) early morning on the weekdays. We've lived in small towns and rural areas most of our almost 39 years of marriage, and since 1999, I've done much of my non-food holiday shopping online. Easier to compare prices, read reviews, wait for sales/clearance/added discounts, etc. Then I keep mail carriers and delivery drivers happy with treats, be it cookies, homemade jam, sweetbreads or whatnot. Also a nice gift card at the end of the year.
    Yes, hibernating at home is a GOOD thing. --Elise

    1. Elise, we must live in similar type areas because you described our area perfectly! I like the way you 'treat' your delivery drivers, I just bet they like delivering to your house all year long!

  4. Smart move going early and avoiding crowds. I'm not sure which is the worse- the traffic or the stores. I thought about going to Belks Department store to browse the early Black Friday sale on costume jewelry (no way would I wear the real stuff in the world now) but then realized I can make do with what I have. Glad you had great luck at the estate sale.

    1. Deloris, I like the way you talked yourself right out of black Friday shopping ... it sounds like some of my reasoning. The upside is that I don't have to go out, I can stay home and black Friday shop in my PJ's online if I want or need to take advantage of any of the sales!

  5. Yes. The crowds are just so annoying and trying.

    1. Lee Ann, I'm not a crowd loving person, I have never been!

  6. We just decided to shop for 8 to 10 wks of main groceries tomorrow and only need to pick up milk and maybe a fresh salad every other week. I hate shopping anywhere near holidays. I was doing "bulk" shopping every 4 wks until mid Sept when Hubby went down with heart attack and then we got covid and then I got crohns and then my potassium decided to drop into the toilet also. We will stay home, eat and maybe not catch what ever crud is going around.
