~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Monday, April 8, 2024

Hunkering Down in 2024: Weeks 13 and 14

It feels so good to feel good again!  Thank you again to those who reached out to me during my unexplained absence.  Without having seen a doctor, we believe that I got food poisoning after eating a salad at a restaurant ... and then I got dehydrated.  Enough said, other than I don't want to do that ever again.  So thankful to those dear precious friends who helped my husband care for me during this time.  You know who you are, I pray God's abundant blessings on each of you.

This week will bring to close our 2-week plan for stocking up on basics before we go back into strict hunkering down mode again.  But before we look at how we did, let me share something that is happening in our area ...

In our area alone, there are 3 Family Dollar stores in the process of closing permanently!   Let the ramifications of that sink in. This just solidifies my desire and motivates us to get in as good financial shape as possible.  That's what this series is about, let's see how we did this week ... 

I continued to work on our basics 'stocking-up' list and will finish it up this week.  Other than that, I don't have a lot to report, being sick really put a halt to my intentions!  But isn't that a part of life, we do the best we can with what life hands us, don't we?  For the past 5 - 10 days, we had a 'hiccup' of sickness to deal with that slowed us down and changed our plans.  This week we're back on our plan, moving ahead and feeling so thankful to be able to do so.

Lord willing, I'll be back Friday with this week's report!

How did you do last week, I can't wait to read your comments!

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

Sharing 44 years' experience of frugal, prudent living and pantry building 

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine, where I share my love for God and His Word through my personal Bibe study.  Physical preparedness is important, but not near as important as spiritual preparedness.  Ladies, join me over at From This Heart of Mine and study God's Word with me.

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  1. So happy to see you post and that you are feeling back to yourself.
    The old saying "the best laid plans of mice and men....." seems to always happen.
    Have a great week.

    1. Cheryl, thank you. That is a very true statement!

  2. I am so thankful that you are feeling better!

    We continue to see businesses closing here as well. A huge loss has been health food stores that we depended on for supplements and herbs. We are still putting items by as we see them on sale. The last one was towels on clearance at Walmart. I prefer their towels over any other. Twelve bath, six hand towels and twelve washcloths were about $34. There are still many available online if anyone needs.

    One fun thing was that Hubby and I both got an email with a survey for Hardee's that gave us each $10 on account to use there. So we had breakfast one morning for 63 cents and we have another one to use. We were also so blessed to have two of our sons and their families come to visit on two consecutive weekends. Another blessing is neighbors who have been helping us get our yard in better shape. They also have a friend who is going to pressure wash our house.

    I sure would appreciate prayer for my Hubby's heart. He is on a new med that will hopefully help him feel better.

    1. Lana, thank you! I will be praying that your hubby's new meds help him to feel better.

      Breakfast out for $.63, you can't beat that!

      I will check out the towels at Walmart. Thank you for the tip!

      Thank you again for your help during my time of sickness.

  3. Glad you're feeling better, Patsy! I've had food poisoning more times than I care to count. NOT fun. It's almost always come after eating out, so I've become super careful about *where* we eat out. And yes, illness can throw a monkey wrench into plans for sure. I've been dealing with a U.C. flare for several weeks. One silver lining is food lasts forever as I eat quite a bit less? Find the silver linings where you can, I say.

    The past few weeks have been GOOD in terms of plans/goals. When we were at the nearest Home Depot, I managed to snag an extra large bag of potting soil from the 1/2 off area because it had a small hole in it. The hole was on top; getting it home wasn't a problem and didn't make a mess. Also picked up some bigger pots to be ready to plant the container herb garden. Groceries have been minimal: utilizing sales + senior discount, we got produce/dairy/fresh goods last week for $14.15, saving $16.87 at Basha's. Recently stocked up on flour, sugar and oil. Some of the Basha's buy is in the crockpot now for crockpot jam--strawberries were 99 cents lb.

    Haven't heard about any Family Dollar closures in our area, which would spell trouble for local communities where that and Dollar General are the only places to shop! Prayers for your strength to fully return. --Elise

    1. Elise, thank you for your prayers. It's certainly not something I care to repeat again!

  4. I was curious, since Family Dollar is parent company to Dollar Tree how closings would affect those. I found this highlighted online:
    Six hundred Family Dollar stores will be closed in the first half of 2024, with 370 locations closing over the next few years as store leases expire, CNN reported. In addition to the Family Dollar closings, the retailer’s parent company will close 30 Dollar Tree locations as their leases expire.
    1,000 Family Dollar, Dollar Tree stores to close – WFTV

    Dollar General in our area is an affordable grocery spot for many people and that would really be a hurtful thing to have Dollar Generals close. Had it not been for DG in our little town and the one north of us, people with limited travel means would have had no groceries for the past several years as they were the only store in town selling produce, meat, etc. Granted it's a lot of processed food but it's FOOD that they needed.

    I went without spending any money at the grocery last week. This week I'll run in and use about half my budget to pick up a few things from last week's sales (Kroger has butter at a good price, $2.29 a pound but you must buy 3 to get that price).

    Beyond that it's the same as always, sticking to the budget, making use of what we have, hanging on a little longer, digging deep into the freezer and being grateful for it all.
    Terri/ Blue House Journal

    1. Terri, two of the Family Dollars that are closing in our area have been built within the last 2 years, surely it's not a lease expiring issue for those two. It makes no sense why they would build them, stock them and then close them down so soon after opening them.

      I love your ending sentence in your comment ... that's what we're doing too!

  5. Patsi, so sorry to hear you had food poisoning, but I'm glad you have recovered! I know I have been MIA. March was a very full and busy month with guests and then sickness, and Colton finishing up his school job. I felt like much of the month was just trying to reach the finish line! We finally made it. Colton has been on vacation from his fire job for the last week, so we have taken the opportunity to work on the projects that we previously didn't have time for. This has meant more spending than saving, but we are using some of what we saved of the extra income. It feels good to get things ticked off the list.
    I finally got pea gravel put between my raised beds in the garden! When we had previously called our local supplier, he quoted us over $600 to deliver the amount we needed. That made the pea gravel drop down to the bottom of the priority list, if not knocking it off altogether. Then about a month ago, a coworker of Colton's told him that he has a dump trailer that he could use as his family owns one of the material yards in the area. It ended up costing us $112, a massive savings!!
    We also went on an overnight trip, but opted to camp instead of staying at a hotel or air bnb. The cost was only $25, and the boys loved it! It was their first camping trip and since it went so well, we are planning many more.
    I hope everyone has a good week! It is good to be back.

    1. Kelsey, you all are so smart to make the decisions you're making. I see a very bright financial future for your family became of your attitude and the choices you make. Wonderful savings for sure!
