~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Hunkering Down 2024: Week #25

I just love it when a plan comes together, even when it comes together slowly.  Here we are in the third week in June, and we are on target for meeting our goals.  They are not the goals we had January - March, but they are the goals we can do now. Although we're not making the progress we were in the first quarter of the year, we are still making slow progress.  I can't tell you how good that feels and how thankful we are to be able to make any progress!

So, how did we do on our financial goals for this week?

Let's see ...

Our goals for the week were ...

Stay within our grocery budget ... we did it!  We spent less than $20 of our grocery budget so, yes, we stayed within our grocery budget boundaries.

Have as many no-spend days as possible.  We had two no-spend days this week, which is pretty typical for us.  Two is better than none, so, we'll take it!

Add any amount to our savings ... we collected and rolled our change this week and added it to our savings.  Small amounts add up and we should never disdain their importance.  If nothing else, it keeps the momentum going toward our financial goals and let me tell you that is so very important!

Take advantage of anything that comes our way that will help us further our financial goals.  We were given quite a bit of free produce this week and while it was not an immediate financial help in terms of cash in hand, it has been a part of several meals this week as well as adding to our pantry ... which as we all know saves money.  Money saved in any way, is money that can be put toward our financial goals.

Today is our anniversary and we opted not to do gifts, but to prepare one of our favorite meals and desert.  We only needed to purchase one extra item to complete our meal.  

What do our financial goals look like for next week?

Of course, we want to stay within our grocery budget. 

This week will be one of those 'daily grinds' week where we're between paychecks, so we're going to be looking for ways to be extra frugal.

Have as many no-spend days as possible.

That's it for this week, what about you, how did your week go and what financial goals are you working toward next week?

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links.  This means that if you click on the link and place an order, etc I earn a small fee at no increased cost to you. Thank you for your support through these means. 


  1. Great job! I’m running some ideas in my head on resetting goals. Originally the plan was to save a certain sum of $$ but we didn’t see a tornado and other things so that sum needs to be changed.

    1. Lee Ann, life happens doesn't it and it is far better to regroup then to give up!

  2. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your success--slow or fast, success is success!

    1. Elise, thank you and yes, indeed ... success is success!

  3. Happy Anniversary, Patsi!
    The last few weeks for us have seen some heavy spending (planned vacation, unplanned vehicle repairs, dentist and doctor appointments). I am ready to hunker down again and get back in the saddle.
    Colton was moved back to his old fire station, being bumped out of his spot by someone with more seniority. This means our gas expenses will increase again. But we also learned that he will be getting a raise beginning this October, so that is very good news.
    We sold his truck, making us a one vehicle family until we find a replacement vehicle. I'm not in any hurry. I don't like going places by myself and I do like not having to pay insurance on a second vehicle. The sale of the truck also means we reached our savings goal for the YEAR. I know this is only temporary, but I'll enjoy earning interest on what is in the bank in the meantime.
    As for now, it's back to the books to re-figure (and stick to) the budget.

    1. Kelsey, I've been wondering how your homestead is doing since our neighbor is doing the same. Like Colton, he's also a firefighter! So far we're doing well with one vehicle and will save up to buy a truck down the road. Pun intended. Congratulations on reaching your savings goal for the year! --Elise

    2. Kelsey, it's good that you can manage with one vehicle for a while. Like you, I don't like going places by myself so being a one vehicle family wouldn't bother me either. Congrats on reaching your saving's goal for the year ... for most of us, the amount of our savings is fluid and fluctuates depending on how we choose to use them. But the fact that we have them for when they are needed is so beneficial, isn't it?

    3. Thank you, Elise! I know I've been quiet online- the last two weeks of May saw our household hit by a stomach bug, then it was a matter of putting things back together and getting ready for our trip.
      Our homestead is doing well. Unfortunately our little plot of land had turned to dirt with the drought, but we just had a tropical storm (no damage, just 5.5 glorious inches of rain) and things are greening up. We are keeping the animals penned up with hay to give the grass a chance to grow. Then we are going to install an electric fence so we can start implementing some sort of rotation. We are still learning what our land can support and how to best manage it, but we love every bit of it so far!

    4. I wish you could see the smile on my face, Kelsey! Glad your gang is feeling better and that you got rain.

  4. Happy Anniversary and many, many more. You've had a really successful week. Yup, slow and steady wins the race. We got up exta early this morning to do some garden work, which was mainly to prune back the leaves on the squash plants so the bees and other pollinators could see the blossoms, and prune the lower leaves of the pepper plants to that all the energy goes into the fruit. We harvested loads of basil and more Easter Egg radishes. It was a no spend kind of week and we are still on target with our emergency fund. A trip to the library got us new books to read. Years ago I read a book called "The Kitchen House" and found that the author had another book called "Glory Above All Things" which is set in the early 1800's. Enjoy your special dinner and dessert. Life is good. Cookie

    1. Cookie, yes, life is good and we are blessed! I check with Libby for the book titles you mentioned and was able to put a hold on "The Kitchen House", but they didn't have "Glory Above All Things." I'll check our local library to see if they have it here.

      I need to do the same kind of pruning that you mentioned, thanks for the reminder! I just love how we all share and learn from each other!

      Thank you for the anniversary wishes.

  5. Happy Anniversary!

    Yes, yes! I think that so many never make progress on savings and paying off debt because they feel it has to be large amounts. Every dollar counts!

    One neighbor gifted us so much from their garden that we asked if we could pass some on to another neighbor. Our goal is to only buy perishables and what we need to restock holes in our pantry. I saw one item on the Facebook page of the salvage store so I sent Hubby and stayed home. He also checked for some sausage we were out of and found cases for $3.50. I was glad not to be able to buy, buy, buy in there because we need to eat what we have. That store is entirely too tempting with the low prices. This morning Hubby is out running some errands and picked up more sausage we were almost out of that rarely goes on sale. I saw yesterday that our freezer list of prepared meals is huge so I planned a week of those meals for the week after we come back from the lake when we are so tired.

    I listed an item on Marketplace and now I remember why I don't do that! People are so crazy! I had to block two because they were just not playing fair. There are many other items that need to go but we will see how this goes first.

    We get our van back today after nine weeks. New tires are schedules for tomorrow because that is what we were planning to do the day after we got hit. They have not given us a total number but we are prepared. Hubby had some stock from his old employer that because of a change this year we are not making any money on so we got rid of it. I am sure this was their plan but we could potentially end up paying to keep it because of the fees they are now charging us. Today is the last day of the rental so I am thankful it has all worked out this way. Enterprise will pick up the rental from the body shop. That is a big help!

    1. Lana, thank you for the anniversary wishes. We have the same goal for our grocery shopping and pantry restocking as you do.

      I wish you success with Marketplace.

      I'm glad that your van 'adventure' is finally coming to a close.

  6. Feeling incredibly blessed! The insurance money we got will fully cover the repairs to our van and most of the tires!!

    Sadly while Hubby was in the grocery store he witnessed a mother shoplifting. Her children knew what she was doing, too.

    1. Woo-hoo on the van, the insurance coverage and the pick up from the body shop, Lana! I'm with you on sending my husband to stores for the time being and staying out of them myself; like you, my goal is to cook and eat through what we have 1st. Well, a chunk of it. A frozen pork roast is going into the crockpot today that should feed us through the weekend.

      As for the shoplifting mom, I know people who would say, "Well, she needs to feed her children and stores make a big profit." To which I'd reply... most grocery stores and markets, especially salvage stores and independently owned markets, work on a scant 2-3% profit. Stealing eats into that. No pun intended. There are food banks and/or food pantries in even the remotest of places (such as where we live). Teaching your children to steal only compounds problems. It's a lose-lose game. Just my humble opinion.

    2. Elise, Hubby and I wish he had thought to ask her if he could buy the item for her. Too late but next time we have a plan.

    3. I'll keep an eye out and do the same, Lana. Shared this with my husband, too. We both will. Thanks for the reminder. --Elise

    4. Lana, isn't God good! I love that you and your husband have a plan for helping those like the woman your hubby saw shoplifting. You have given me something to think and pray about, thank you.

  7. Happy Anniversary! Both myself and my son had birthdays this week. We had been discussing whether to have a family meal out, but in the end decided to celebrate at home. I found a tiny seedling growing on my driveway, which I think may be a Californian Lilac shrub. I potted it up and will grow it on to see if that is what it is and if I can find space for it in my garden. Our car has a couple of minor problems at the moment, so my husband has asked our local garage to look at it next week, so I guess that is what any savings made this week will be put towards.

    1. Tracy, isn't it wonderful that we have the option of working our budget/savings around to cover things like vehicle repairs! It's the mindset, isn't it, that plays such a huge role in our financial decisions.

      You sound just like me with your tiny seedling. I found a volunteer tomato plant growing in an out of the way place in our yard, so I stuck a tomato cage over it and am letting it grow. I have no idea what variety it is, but I'm sure we can use it whatever it is!

  8. Happy Anniversary. We are 1 payment away of having the federal taxes paid in full. Then it's back to paying off the mortgage. We priced pavers for an area in our driveway as MIL can't come visit as her walker wheels don't do stone even fine stone. Our Amish neighbor looked at it and thinks he can pour cement there for less. He is going to check it out later this week. We are refiguring the budget since the taxes are being paid off 8 months early. We want to get the mortgage paid off, save to replace the old truck and rebuild the saving acct.

    1. Chef Owings, you all have made amazing progress on getting those taxes paid off, you should be proud of your efforts.

      That's thoughtful of you to take in consideration access to your home for your MIL, I hope your Amish neighbor is able to pour cement for less.

      When we choose to live as debt free as possible, there is always something to save for isn't there! I love your mindset; it's encouraging to the rest of us who are traveling a similar road.

  9. Happy belated Anniversary, and congratulations on your continued progress toward meeting your goals. This week has been a costly one for me, and one I knew was going to take a toll on my wallet, and I will get back on top of my budget in the new week. I had a wedding to attend, a graduation, and today, a baby shower . . . one right after another. This week, I will also completely fill my gas tank and our state's sales tax on fuel is going up by close to $0.20/gallon (if what I read is correct). This increase will also severely impact the number of trips I take away from home, whether it's is for groceries, household, or visits to my mother's senior living residence. That extra amount will impact my budget, for sure. Thankful for this space which offers such good advise and encouragement.

    1. Lori, thank you and your welcome! I get great encouragement from all who comment as well and right now that feels really good.

      I understand how one's budget can be severely impacted by rising costs, hubby's medication costs increased $300/month out of pocket in May. That, like your fuel tax increase, impacted our budget!

      It's the mindset though, isn't it ... we just keep getting back up and starting over, don't we?
