~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Friday, July 26, 2024

A Journal of My Days 2024: Health Update

I wanted to do a brief update as mine and my hubby's recovery from 'bronchitis' is taking a little longer than expected.

This Rose of Sharon bloom is heavy with the rain we received this afternoon ... isn't it just beautiful!

Hubby and I are making progress and have come a long way, but we're not completely recovered yet, hence my continued silence online.

We're doing a lot of resting and just letting our bodies take the time they need to recover.

Your prayers, thoughts, cards, text messages and phone calls have been and are so appreciated.  

I harvested this bowl of apples while on a short walk and will set to work preserving them a little at a time.  We are so thankful for every bit of bounty that we get!

A little bit of news ...

We went from severe drought conditions to it raining for some part of every day.  We couldn't be happier and are praising God for the rain.

Just a few days ago, this cucumber plant was browning and drying up, literally ... now look at it!

Everything is greening back up and coming alive and those 3 squash plants that I planted in late spring knowing in my heart that it was too late and too dry and too hot for them to produce are outdoing themselves!

The flowers I planted in tractor tires are loving all this rain, they are just beautiful!

I went for a short walk outside after a heavy rain this afternoon and snapped the pictures in this post.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

My plan is to start posting again starting on Monday, I have missed all of you.

Until the next post ... 

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. Glad you are both on the mind! Up the mountain we had rain, too! A fall garden, a first for us, is in the making as the summer one was cooked…. Digging potatoes and already have 1.5 bu from four short rows (8’ ea), so I’m over the moon! Be well!! Matty

    1. Matty, thank you! We share your thoughts about a fall garden. It sounds like you have a really good harvest from your four short rows of potatoes ... way to go!

    2. Grateful you are getting better and praying you will soon be well.

  2. I’m so glad you’re getting better.

    The flowers are beautiful! They bring back such wonderful memories of my Grandma who always planted flowers in tractor tires on the farm.

    1. Lana in Missouri, thank you! Growing flowers in tractor tires must be a 'grandma' thing!!!!

  3. I am so glad that you are both on the mend and able to get out into the garden to admire those lovely flowers. x

    1. Tracy, thank you, it felt so good to be able to do this simple thing.

  4. So thankful to hear that you are both on the mend, and that you received rain. Continued prayers for your needs.
