~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Saturday, July 27, 2024

On My Heart: Circling the Wagon of our Home

With all the unrest in the world today, I find myself ‘circling the wagons' around our home. I want to do what I can to make it as safe and secure as possible from the chaos that seems to be bombarding us from every angle.

For me that looks like focusing on my home, what I allow in it, its atmosphere, its comfort and its provisions.

For me that also looks like being less and less involved in the social media world.  Yes, I have social media accounts but I’m finding myself logging on less and less and honestly, I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.  Right now, I’m operating on a ‘need to know’ philosophy.  If I need to know something or someone wants me to look at something, I can log on, do what needs to be done and log off.  I know that my choice is not for everyone and that’s okay, it hasn’t always been this way for me either.  Maybe it’s because I’m getting older and the further, I can get away from the drama and constant in your face chaos and rage, the better I like it ... the more peace I have.

I can’t fix what’s wrong in the world, honestly at this point, I don’t know that anyone can … but I do have control over my home.  My dear hubby works hard and if I can create a ‘safe place’ for him to return to after being out in the world, then I feel like I've contributed to our household quite well.

My goal is to create and maintain a home that's ...

guarded and protected from outside drama and chaos ...

managed frugally 

filled with things we need and some of what we want ...

filled with laughter, simple quietness and contentment for the life we've built together ...

a place my hubby looks forward to returning to after being away ...

a place that is family focused ...

It's a pretty BIG job ...

It's a pretty IMPORTANT job ...

It's where CHANGE starts ...

I've worked really hard to create the kind of home we have and I'm focusing on 'circling the wagons' to maintain it.  

Any thoughts?

Until the next post ... 

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. No we cannot change the evil people of the world, but I always remember that God is in charge and always will be.

  2. I agree with you. We gave up paid tv years ago and only occasionally watch old shows. Mister is addicted to the news, but he reads it on his phone so I am not bothered by it. I prefer to check headlines maybe twice a week and move on. I only control home and I want peace. I’ve been clearing out more surplus stuff and it’s nice to have space to breathe….

    1. I agree with you, 'I only control home and I want peace!'

  3. Couldn't agree with you more,Patsi.

    1. Cookie, when we know what we want, it's just a matter of mapping out a plan to achieve it, the same is true with our homes.

  4. I absolutely agree. The news just robs us of our peace so we need to avoid it. God is in control of the mess our presidential election has become and no amount of worry will help. Only prayer. We need to be in the Word and trusting God for all the places in our hearts that are uneasy. When we get stressed we are prone to junk food too so we must be mindful to eat nutritious food and cook at home.

    I have become more and more convinced in the last week that we need to stay close to our neighbors and friends in order to support each other. I hope to have some of those into our home most weeks going forward because everyone is hurting.

    1. Lana, I love your comment and agree with it 100%! Yes, so many people are hurting!

  5. You wrote as if from my own heart, Patsy. Thank you. I've pulled away from the draw of online connectivity and have been nesting. The house. The yard. Baking bread again. Decades ago a friend gave me a plaque with Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"

    My heart and mind need to be focused there. Quiet. Listening to Him. Tuning out the noise. My mother has been on hospice only a short time and we're told is at the end. It will be soon. Days. Maybe a week. Maybe two. She had a long, busy and complicated life. We're now discussing funeral arrangements.

    For many, many years I've wanted a simple life of simple faith just as you describe. There's so much we can't change or effect in any way, but we can choose for ourselves what to focus on. Glad you're both feeling better.

    1. Elise, I am praying for you and your Mom as you go through this time. Hugs

    2. Thank you, Lana. That means more than you could ever know.

    3. Elise, prayers for your family and for a peaceful transition for your mom.

    4. Elise, my heart and prayers are with you. May you feel the comfort of God and friends as you travel this journey.

    5. Thank you all so very much. --Elise

  6. Yes. I’m beginning to feel this as well.

    1. Lee Ann, there is peace in controlling what we can and surrendering the rest to God.
