~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Friday, July 12, 2024

Hunkering Down in 2024: Week #28

The big news this week is that everything went according to plan!

We were able to meet all of our financial obligations and make a double payment on our targeted debt!

That felt really good!

For the rest of this month, I'm going to try to squeeze out another extra payment for our targeted debt.  I don't know if we can, but we won't know if we don't try.

We have to try, don't we?

If we give up and throw in the towel because we're not achieving what we want, we lose the game the minute we admit defeat.  And isn't throwing in the towel admitting defeat?

This week's post is short and sweet, but I hope you'll recognize the message ... we must keep trying to do what we can to reach our financial goals ... we just must!

That's it for this week, what about you, how did your week go and what financial goals are you working toward?

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. Patsi well done on squeezing out a second payment on your debt and hope you can squeeze out a bit more of a payment this month too :) . I agree we don't know what we can achieve until we try.

    Looking at the news the cost of shipping a container of goods worldwide has now gone up over double the price since May this year due to the shipping companies having to divert around the Cape of Good Hope due to ship attacks. The news is saying to expect higher prices to filter through on luxury items, delays in medication deliveries, confectionery and just about anything that is imported for a heads up for everyone from Australia.

    I thought I would update everyone on how we are going saving back up the money we spent in cash on DH's new car (end of August last year) a new ride on and some items for the home since we had decided to save that amount up again before spending on anything else. Since September last year we have saved almost the cost of buying DH's new car bar around $1300 but still have a way to go on saving the rest of the money we spent and are averaging saving around $3000 per month being very careful how we are spending money. The next goal is to save for a new garage to be built closer to the home.

    This week I managed to squeeze out another $323 odd in savings by going through our account books and banking money we hadn't spent in groceries and other categories so I am happy with that being it is an in between pay week for us.

    Dh needed some new summer t-shirts and I found quality cotton ones on half price sales on clearance saving $44 and that will give DH a few spares for storage when his others wear out.

    We have been eating from the pantry, fridge and freezers as I was fortunate enough to find good sales on meat at under half price so we had a a fair bit stored. This week I did a mini grocery order for $77.47 for staples and some medical items we needed and about half of the items on half price sale, used our 4% off gift card and saved in total
    $41 on usual prices. I don't think I will need to buy much in the way of groceries for the rest of the month so those savings will again be banked into our high interest savings account for our goals.

    Hope everyone is achieving some of their hunkering down goals.


    1. Lorna, you all are doing amazing and it's so encouraging to hear how others are achieving their financial goals. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Congratulations! You are smashing your targets one by one!

  3. Glad your week went well!!! Blessings.

  4. Good to hear, Patsy! Yes, we must keep trying. This week I moved $500 into savings. That felt GOOD. --Elise

    1. Elise, you go girl! That's no small feat in today's economy!

  5. CONGRATS on that double payment AND the goal of hitting it one more time this month. STRETCH GOALS were "a thing" decades ago. And yes, without a target it's hard to aim. I'm so giddy with excitement for you and your achievements bring back the wonderful feeling I had when we did the same.

    Happy Friday :-)

    1. Elle, thank you, it is an indescribable feeling isn't it. One you have to do the work in order to experience!

  6. Well done, Patsy!

    I have been praying about some financial decisions and now I fell confident that I know which way to go. That is peace.

    1. Lana, yes! 'Financial peace' that comes through effort and prayer are just the best!

  7. Congrats on meeting your target goal! Given all the roadblocks you've been handed, that's a really big accomplishment. This week was a no-spend week for me (thus far; I have a couple of fresh produce items to purchase today for an event I'm attending tonite), but all is good. Since DH passed, I've lived frugally and had an investment goal I wanted to achieve, a "number" that I felt would make my future feel more safe and secure. On Thurs. morning, I checked both of my brokerage accounts, just to get a gauge at how the market had impacted my savings. I sent an email to my financial advisor thanking him and his team for supporting me on this financial journey and helping me reach (and exceed) my goal. My new goal is making sure everything stays in place and things continue to grow in a positive direction, as this is how I'll support myself in the future. So, no time to let up on the gas or make any changes to the way I live. Those funds are staying put! Foot on the gas, pointed in the direction I want and need to go, knowing that I have a spare tire in case of an emergency.

  8. Paid off 12K in taxes 8 months early. Paid extra on mortgage then they immediately called me to tell me our house insurance and property taxes went up, did I want to move the extra $ to the escrow(required by the loan) or make another payment for escrow? I let them move the $ , was thankful the person that was checking the acct. noticed the increase (last time they didn't until last minute. I still was able to make another principal payment so we are down belove $200K. YEAH have cut 10 yrs off the mortgage (30 yr loan)

  9. Patsi, that is fantastic news! You have been working hard and it is literally paying off.
    We are hunkering down again and have made some changes. We switched phone companies, as a promotion was being offered to first responders. This has allowed us to cancel our internet as it is now bundled in with the new phone plan, saving us a good amount of money each month.
    We are still a one vehicle family but have decided to search for a fuel efficient car that Colton can use for commuting to work. Gas is our biggest variable expense so cutting that in half would be huge. We are looking for something we can pay cash for and plan to recoup the expense in fuel savings in a short amount of time. We are still on the hunt.
    I have been working hard to cook all meals and mostly from our pantries and freezers. I buy basic items at the store, but I put a bag of shredded cheese back the other day because it was $17! I have $17, but I just refuse to pay that for store brand cheese! (I boldly declared it highway robbery to the innocent bystanders.) I’d buy the blocks and shred it myself, but it’s the same price. I’m sure they’ll get me eventually, but they weren’t getting my money that day lol.
    I am continuing to declutter and organize, which always helps me to see that I have what I need and makes me more hesitant to bring anything else into the home, thus saving money. It’s a win/win.
