~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Monday, October 28, 2024

Mornings with Me: 10/28/24

As you will have noticed there was no 'Hunkering Down' post on Friday, nor is there going to be 'A Journal of my Days' post today.

I'm working hard to get our Circling the Wagons class started and off the ground.  Both above named features will return at their next scheduled time on Friday of this week and Monday of next week.  In the meantime, I'm going to try to do some 'Mornings with me' type posts until I get in the rhythm of working the class into my schedule.

Without further ado, here's today's 'Mornings with me' post ...

After morning chores, I popped online to read class comments and respond to those.  You all are amazing and I'm taking lots of notes!

Yesterday, we were offered the opportunity to get more peas, so this morning I went and picked two 5-gallon buckets full. (The couple who owned the peas also helped me pick.)  I am so thankful for God's provisions and for those who allow themselves to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Back home, I rechecked the class comments, I try hard not to overlook anyone so please be patient with me.  Every comment and response are important to me.

By this time, I'm feeling the need for a little lunch, so I made myself two chicken patty sandwiches using:

cooked chicken patties that I did in one of my batch cooking sessions earlier

1 low carb flour tortilla (half for each patty)

refrigerator pickles I made earlier this month

They made delicious low carb, high protein sandwiches with just a touch of sweetness from the pickles.  (Yes, I'm still very much trying to keep the weight off I lost and get in the best physical shape I can be in. I'm in my 4th year of my better health journey.) I made two chicken patty sandwiches with a total of 355 calories for both combined.  I was full and satisfied, both of which are important to me.

That's it, that was my morning!  What did your morning look like?

Don't forget to leave a comment!

(Rude and or unkind comments will not be published, this is a place of warmth and encouragement ... enough said!)

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

You might be interested in my other blogs ...

Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine 

From This Heart of Mine

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  1. Yay on the peas!

    Dumpster full of broken down fence was picked up today. I posted a bunch of metal that can be recycled on Nextdoor. Hopefully the one who answered will actually still show up today.

    1. Lana, we were so pleased to be given more peas ... God's provisions!

      Since there is money to be made in selling metal as 'scrap iron', you might have an easy time getting rid of it, I hope so!

  2. My morning kicked off with my son feeling poorly, so I spent some time caring for him. A little later, when he was feeling a bit brighter, I got him to help me make some cards for family and friends with birthdays in November. I haven't made cards for a while and really enjoyed it. I also dusted my bedroom and gave the mirrored wardrobes a good clean. While I was doing that my husband, the baker in the family, made our Christmas cake.

    1. Tracy, what kind of Christmas cake did your hubby make? My hubby likes to bake too, and I like that he likes to bake!
