~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Mornings with Me: 10/3/24

 After my morning chores, I looked at my 'to-do' list for the day and got busy ...

I had a couple of used zip lock bags that I needed to wash up for reuse, so I set them to soak in soapy water with a drop or two of bleach added ...

Next up was to get a pot of bone broth going.  In this crockpot are:
chicken feet/paws
red pepper
garlic cloves
salt and pepper
and I'm going to make a run outside to harvest some rosemary and parsley to add as well.

I'll let this simmer for about 24 hours at least.

Bone broth is so good for you and I'm trying to get in the rhythm of making a pot once a week to have on hand for drinking purposes.  The goal is at least 1 cup per day.

After I finished getting the bone broth going, I made up a jar of what will be fermented garlic honey.  After about 3 days of it sitting on the counter, I'll change out the lid and move it to the refrigerator to let it continue doing its fermenting.  Yes, the fermenting will slow down, but I'll feel better about the safety of the product.

I'll use this as a tonic drink ... 1 tablespoon in a cup of warm water.

With all the 'port' talk going around, I've been looking at some of the things we use on a regular basis that might be affected.  Bananas are one of them, so I stopped in at the local big box store last night to pick up some for preserving.  I was shocked at what I saw!  I'm not kidding you, that huge store was half empty in the grocery section.  I mentioned it to my hubby when I got back in the vehicle, and he reminded me that people were probably panic buying.

Anyway, I got my bananas and this morning set about prepping them for dehydrating.
I peeled them ...
cut them into 1/4-inch slices into a citric acid solution so they wouldn't turn brown ...
drained them and laid them out on dehydrator trays ...
set the temp to 135 and turned it on.
These should be dehydrated in about 10 hours, but of course I will check them and give them more time if needed.

I'll use these in smoothies when I can't get fresh bananas.  They'll be shelf stable and won't take up precious freezer space.

I did one tray sprinkled with cinnamon.  I read about someone doing this and thought that I would give it a try.  They said they made a tasty snack ... I'll let you know what I think when they are finished dehydrating.

That's it for today, what did your morning look like?

Don't forget to leave a comment!

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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