~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Friday, November 22, 2024

Mornings with Me: 11/22/24

 Our low overnight was 31 degrees, so we lit our first fire of the season this morning ...

We were under a 'beat the peak' alert from 6:30 - 9:30 this morning, meaning that any power used during this time period would cost more ... that was our cue to bring the wood stove out of its long summer rest!  The wood heat is so warming and we're going to appreciate it even more when we get our next power bill!

We've had quite a busy week, and it was starting to take its toll on me in the form of minor respiratory issues, so I started doing some preventative things ...

cider fire, water,
resting and watching for symptoms that would mean I would need to go to the next level of my treatment plan.  I always try to start at the lowest level and move upward if/when needed.  Many times, if I listen to my body and catch it early, this lowest level of treatment is enough.

After we got the wood stove going, I fed my sourdough starter and settled in for some quiet and meditative Bible study time.  (I can't think of a better way to rest than enjoying some quiet Bible study time!)

That pretty much was my morning, nothing really exciting, but oh so fulfilling!

A couple more things and then the rest of the day will be yours ...

I finished writing and posting the last lesson on our ladies Bible class study on Martha on Thursday.  You can find it HERE.

I also posted a post on Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine of a quick no-sew project yesterday that'll get you in the Christmas spirit.  You can find it HERE.

What did your morning look like?

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

You might be interested in my other blogs ...

Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine 

From This Heart of Mine

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  1. It was an overcast morning here in the Midwest. We got about 2" of snow yesterday -- and it stuck. But temps this morning were well above freezing and most everything has melted. The sky is overcast and has really zapped my energy today. I've recently taken on responsibility for a parent's financials (as their legal PoA), and I spent 3 hours on their checking account, in order to figure out what is owed when and what the actual balance is, since debit card purchases were not recorded in their register. Then, it was out to walk the dog and to head to the pet store to replenish his food supply. Back home, I tackled my own checking account -- balancing that was a piece of cake!

    1. Lori, the overcast sky and dealing with other people's finances is an energy zapping experience! Hats off to you!

  2. Prayers that that you've nipped the respiratory issues in the bud and nothing further needs to be done. I was up earlier than usual this morning to a beautiful orange sky and then it clouded over and snowed. It turned to rain before it accumulated. In getting ready for Thanksgiving I like to do things in small bites, Today I took the cranberries out from the freezer and made cranberry sauce, which will go back in the freezer until the day. I also made gluten free stuffing with almond flour. It's so good and no one can tell that it's not a more conventional stuffing. Also low in carbs. The library called and said a book I put on hold had some in so we went to pick it up and on the way back stopped at our Amish market because they called to tell me the soy free eggs were in. That was my morning. Cookie

    1. Cookie, you know I have to ask what library book you picked up! Can you share the gluten free stuffing with almond flour recipe? I like the way you're doing as much of the meal ahead as you can, that's very smart!

    2. The book I picked up was the 16th installment of the Bregdan Chronicles. I'm waiting for "A Christmas Basket Brigade." by Nancy Moser. The stuffing recipe is from 40 aprons.com/almond flour stuffing recipe. It's a fabulous recipe. Cookie

  3. Hopefully your preventative measures will have knocked the respiratory problems on the head. I think one of the good things about growing older is learning how to listen to what our bodies are telling us. It is snowing heavily here, so my plan for this morning is to light the wood burner and sit with my son doing some Christmas crafting. He has been enjoying making cards and once he is bored with that I will continue on making some felt stars that I started putting together yesterday.

    1. Tracy, I am feeling better, thank you and yes, I've learned that listening to what my body is telling me is so very important! Enjoy the Christmas crafting with your son, I miss those times with my children!
