~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Welcome 2025!

Happy New Year!  

Welcome 2025!

In 2024 my theme was ‘hunkering down’ and living as frugal as possible.  Looking back at 2024, I’m satisfied with how we lived out that theme.   In some areas we accomplished more than we thought we could and in other areas, due to medical issues for a family member, we weren’t able to tick off as many things on our list as we would have liked.  Still, overall, it was a good year!  God was faithful, met us in the ‘dry’ places and saw us through.

For 2025, I've decided my focus will be on my home.

What does that mean?

The world can be a scary place at times and we as women/the keepers of our homes, have the ability to create a safe haven for our families and loved ones.  This includes those family members that live in our home and those family members near and dear to our hearts who don’t.  If we have adult children and or dear friends whom we consider family, don't we want them to know that they are always welcome in our homes ... I do!  

When I ponder the power that God placed under woman’s control, I’m amazed at its potential.  God gave final spiritual authority over the family and His church to men, but He did not leave the woman without her area of control … the home.  Oh, what great influence we can wield when we fully embrace and step into that role!  

As warriors for and watchmen over our homes, let us not take our role lightly for it’s true that, so goes the home, so goes the world!’

So, what does that look like in everyday life?

It looks like …

keeping a well-organized home  notice I did not say Pinterest pretty or Instagram idyllic.  In reality, most of the pictures shared on these sites are staged … we need to guard against anything that would cause us to be dissatisfied with our homes.   I’m not against these sites, I have a presence on both, but I use them for inspiration and encouragement for working with what I already have or can do myself.  For those times when I feel discontent starting to grow as a result of what I’m seeing on these sites, I walk away for a while.  It works every time!

taking care of herself so she can take care of those in her care … the older I get, the more I realize how important this is!  Being in the best health we can be enables us to be a better watchman over the safe haven we are striving to create and or maintain in our homes.

doing her best to make sure her family has what it needs before they need it … living prepared  looking well to the ways of her household. Proverbs 31:27

living within her means … never let it be said of us that we spend money faster than its earned.  Are we adding stress to our home because we have ‘stuff-idis’ and or are filled with discontent?

having a teachable heart and spirit, always willing to learn

working with her hands, creating things to make her home a beautiful place to be and or to gift to others

taking/making time for those she loves, in and outside her home

taking time for personal spiritual feeding … it will either bring peace to our hearts or show us areas we need to improve in.  Both will lead to a better ‘us’ which will bring about a more peaceful and nurturing home …

It is within the walls of our homes that battles of the heart along with spiritual battles are fought and won and where the actual looking well to the ways of our households take place.  In 2025, we're going to embrace that knowledge and grow into it throughout the year.

As you can see, nothing will really change in my writings for 2025, if you look closely, you’ll see components of everything I’ve been writing about for years.  The difference will be the angle from which I approach it.  For 2025, it’s all about the home with an emphasis on working to intentionally improve it in order to make it a better place for my family to come home too … whether they live in it or not.  It’s time to ‘circle the wagons’ of our homes … are you up for the challenge?

One more thing ... for those who are following along and or participating in our "Circling the Wagons ... in uncertain times and emergency situations" class, it will resume on Friday, January 3rd.  Be watching for that post!

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

You might be interested in my other blogs ...

Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine 

From This Heart of Mine

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  1. Happy New Year!

    Oh my, you are spot on! I often think that because I am really able to do so little here physically that I am of no use to my home anymore but my husband constantly reassures me that I keep everything going in spite of many days spent in the wheelchair now. I think stuffitis is kind of a disease now. Not being content with what we have seems to be at an all time high. I see it all over the web, on blogs and sites that post deals where many comment that they grabbed two because it was a good price. Those ten and twenty dollar expenditures are like a hole on our pockets and they will quickly sink the ship but it is always justified somehow. What we have is never good enough and we need the newest and better. Every summer I see deals on coolers. Seriously, they never wear out! I think people are just too lazy to care for and clean what they have. There should not even be any market for them! I cannot go with my husband to take the garbage because it just makes me so mad to see what is being thrown out these days. I have also quit commenting on many blogs because I am so disgusted and I am too vocal, which is my greatest fault. One of my dear great aunts, of whom I have spoken before, often said that people make their own trouble. I heard that from when I was a young bride and it stuck with me. I was blessed to have those practical four ladies on my life. None of them had much but they knew all that is common sense and just lived that way every day.

    And little story-Great Aunt Bonnie always said that children would enjoy a big box for Christmas more than any toys. On Christmas we had a huge box that had arrived from one son that we opened when all the gifts were being opened. After we took out the gift the youngest grandchildren abandoned their new toys and were right on that box having the time of their lives. I though fondly of my aunt while they played and had such a great time of imagining all sorts of fun.

    Okay, enough of my old lady rambling!

    1. Anonymous, your comment speaks to my heart, and it is where my thoughts are as well. Your Great Aunt Bonnie was spot on!! LOL, your 'old lady ramblings' and this 'old lady's ramblings' are very much in line with each other. Thank you for your comment!

    2. Another thought-Why spend all the effort and money on a Pinterest pretty house when most never invite others into their home? We have a comfortable home full of others cast offs and used items and it doesn't bother me one bit. People are in and out of our shabby house all the time and what I find is that people just like to be remembered and invited over. It will give you great joy to minister to others in this way. No need to invite for a meal. Everyone is happy to have a beverage and maybe a baked good if we have it. Lana

    3. Lana, having others into our home is a ministry isn't it and sadly, one that is practiced very little. Also, sadly this is an area I need to and can improve upon. Thank you for your thoughts ... they are convicting and spot on!

  2. May we all grow in many ways this year. Happy new year!

  3. Happy New Year, Patsy! This reading really hit home. As you know, I am a widow living alone, with family an hour minimum from me. I spent the entire Christmas week under the weather and under the covers. It's going to be a long recovery. I'm only now just getting around without having to sit right back down. So many of your points above are critical and reading it was a good reminder. Wishing you and all of your readers a happy and healthy 2025, and may we learn much from each other.

    1. Lori, I pray you have a quick recovery and yes, I'm looking forward to us all learning from each other.

  4. Very timely. The word “watchmen” has been coming up in my life the last few months. I never thought of myself as a watchman over our home😊

    1. Lee Ann, it's a lot to think about isn't it, being a 'watchman' means we are responsible for what comes in and goes out.

  5. This is a well timed post. I have grown tired and weary in this area. Very tired and weary. I use to love cooking, baking. Not so much now. I had made the choice for 2025 to work on this. Before I saw your post. I have always felt a wife and a mother in the home was so very important. Looking forward to seeing how this goes! Tina

    1. Tina, we'll work on it together and yes, I completely agree that a wife and mother in the home is of supreme importance.

  6. You are speaking my heart, Patsi! I have done a lot of reflecting over the last year and, as a result, have a stronger than ever desire to guard and protect my home and our peace within it. This includes my time and how I spend it.
    As you have noticed, I have stepped back from the internet world for a good amount of time. This usually means I am struggling in some way and need space to get things sorted. The world is a very noisy place, and the noisier it gets, the more I have come to resist it and fight it, my weapons being Truth and quiet. Even in the last few weeks, I’ve deleted Pinterest, YouTube, Amazon, and Thrift Books apps from my phone. Like you, I’m not against these platforms, but I saw how much of my time and attention (and contentment) it took away from the more important things in my home. My accounts are still active, but they are not so easily accessible for mindless reaching and scrolling. I want so much to be more present and I look forward to reading your writings for 2025. Thank you for checking in on me and for the lovely surprise in the mail. It touched my heart.

    1. Kelsey, as I have said before your wisdom is far beyond your young age. Guarding and protecting our homes along with the peace within is so very important. May you always know and remember that; it will serve you well in all areas of your life.

  7. A beautiful theme Patsy. Im all in!xxx
