~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Canning Mushrooms

This is a question I received from more than one person last week, here's the tutorial I promised ...

The recipe can be found in Growing and Canning Your Own Food by Jackie Clay and in the Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving.

I purchased these mushrooms for $.79/box at Aldi's last week.

I placed pint jars in the oven to sterilize while I prepared the mushrooms. 

The mushrooms are in the sink ready for washing.  I washed them one by one to make sure that I got all the dirt off of them.

Put them in a big pot and cover them with water. Bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes.

Drain and pack in pints or half-pint jars only. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt to each pint or 1/4 teaspoon salt to half-pints.  Fill each jar with hot water. Remove air bubbles.  Clean rim of tops of jars, add lid and ring.

Process half pints and pints for 45 minutes at 10 pounds pressure.

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

My pantry is intentional, purposeful, simple, practical, frugal and what works for my family.  It’s the food items and household supplies that keep my household running smoothly ready and available when they are needed.  It’s my contribution to our family’s economy and my work-from-home ‘job.'

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  1. They look wonderful. Are they mushy though? :) thanks for sharing.

    1. I've never had them turn out mushy and I've canned many, many jars of them.

  2. Hi Patsy, you're an inspiration! Just curious about how you sterilize your jars. Do you wash them in hot, soapy water, rinse, and then put them in the oven, or do you boil them, then put them in the oven?

    1. I either wash them in hot soapy water and then place them in the oven or take them from the dishwasher and place them in the oven. Great question!

  3. I love how you are so resourceful in using your oven. We use a dry oven for some things in our lab to sterilize them.

    1. I'm all about getting things done as easily as I can! In my opinion this method is easier than boiling them in water.

  4. Your a whiz Patsy! I love the look of your canned mushrooms. I love mushrooms in just about anything, but I am the only one in the house who will eat them. So, I will just continue to buy the small jars for one when I find them on sale. Wish I had at least one mushroom lover in the house! Hugs, Doreen

    1. My husband and I both love mushrooms. We like to open a jar, drain them and sauté them in a little butter. They are so good!

  5. Patsi, At what temperature is your oven when you sterilize your jars? Donna

  6. We love mushrooms, I have never thought to can them-yum!! Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre Hop!!

  7. I've never thought about canning mushrooms! So glad you shared your post on the HomeAcre Hop, hope to see you again tomorrow!
    - Nancy
    On The Home Front
