~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Weekend Assignment: Pantry Spot Check

It's cold, flu and virus season here in the United States.  If you or someone in your family were to suddenly come down with one of these that included running a high fever over a long period of time, what would you do to stay ahead of the dehydration that would naturally come as a result?  

Would you have anything on hand in your pantry to help fight it or would you have to make a run to the store … what if you couldn’t make a run to the store? 

Dehydration is a serious condition that does not need to be taken lightly, so let’s make sure our pantries are prepared.

Do you have anything in your pantry that can be used to fight dehydration?

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

Have you read this series, This is Why! and this free e-book, Yes, You Can Have a Well-Stocked Pantry?  And don’t forget to check out the ‘Free Downloads’ page.  You’ll find some helpful pantry building stuff available for free!

If you are blessed by what you read here and would like to help financially support my writing, you can do that by making a small contribution by clicking on the donate button.  I would be very grateful!  


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Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links.  This means that if you click on the link and place an order, etc I earn a small fee at no increased cost to you. Thank you for your support through these means.


  1. Patsy when Bluey was so ill last year, dehydration was something we really had to keep an eye on. As a result we have Gatorade powder in the pantry, Hydrolyte tablets in the first aid cupboard and hydrolyte iceblocks in the freezer. Think we have this covered.

    1. Jane, I believe you do!!! I need to find out what hydrolyte tablets are, I'm not familiar with those.

    2. Sent a photo of the hydrolyte on Facebook. we can get them at the supermarket. The iceblocks and hydrolyte liquid can only be purchased from the Chemist/Pharmacist. They're great for travelling as they're so easy to store. I love the recipe for electrolytes and am adding it to my household journal.

  2. We all probably do, although not everyone will be aware of it!

    Homemade electrolyte recipe:
    1 litre (about 5 cups) water
    6 tbsp sugar or honey
    1 tsp sea salt or Himalayan pink salt (though table salt is better than nothing if it's all you have)

    The major downside of this is that it does not taste very nice, but that can be improved by adding half a cup citrus juice. I keep shelf stable lemon juice in my pantry that I would use for this.

  3. Yes, canned lemon juice mixed with water, honey and sea salt... :)

    1. Jes, the best part is that these items are shelf stable and don't require refrigeration.

  4. I keep 10-oz jars of crystallized lemon and lime granules -- True Lemon and True Lime. The convenience can't be beat when I need lemon or lime juice--just reconstitute with water. 1/4 tsp equals 1 tbs of juice. The flavor is excellent.
    So with Allegra's recipe (thank you!!), yes, we would be set!

    1. Sue, that's a good idea on the crystallized lemon and lime granules!

  5. We almost never get really sick because of the essential oils we use and the training I have but there is always Gatorade in our garage for work days and we would use that.

  6. I am very blessed. My cousin works at a Mill where she is responsible for keeping her employees hydrated in the hot building. She buys the powered Gatorade in that she mixes with water when needed. (It can make up to 25 gallons at a time). She lets me buy a couple when she orders. The dates are always over 2 years out. This works out best for us. I have one unopened at this time, hmmm might better order some more. Thanks, Cindy in Alabama

    1. Cindy, you are blessed to have this resource!

  7. Hi Patsy, I do have Gatorade both bottles and powder and Sprite in our pantry. I also keep boxes of dry Jello as it just tastes good when we have a stomach situation,

    I was surprised to see an American made generic Pedialyte at the Dollar Tree last week. The name brand stuff is quite expensive but $1 seems doable for most any budget.

    1. Rhonda, I didn't realize you could get Pedialyte at the Dollar Tree either! Thanks for the tip!
