~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~ surviving today's economy ~ a can-do spirit and attitude ~

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What Does God 'taking care of His Children Look Like?'

I’m often asked, with all my pantry building, if I feel like God wants us to just back off and depend on Him to take care of us and provide what we need. 

Does all my pantry building fly in the face of God?  Is it sending the message that I’m not dependent upon Him?

Does the fact that the Bible assures us that God ‘takes care of His children’ mean we can sit back and do nothing and expect God to provide our needs?

That’s quite an inquiry and one that needs closer scrutiny.

In my opinion, God does make a way for His children but I firmly believe that God expects us to do what we can … notice I said, what we can … not what we can’t.