~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Canning Apple Pie Filling!

I've been working on the apples we purchased Friday.  Yesterday, I loaded up the dehydrator and dried a load.

Today, I canned apple pie filling ...

7 quarts of golden deliciousness fresh from the canner ...  

... how do I know it's delicious ...

... because I tasted it!
Yes, I did and it is delicious!

I used a mixture of Golden Delicious apples and Jonagold apples.

Here's where I got the recipe ... 

I had enough left to make an apple cinnamon dump cake, which is planned for tomorrow along with canning up 7 more quarts of this apple pie filling.

It's some of the best I've ever tasted ... just saying.

Until next time!


A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

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  1. Jonagolds are our favorite! Did you get them last week in NC? If so we had better get ourselves up to McAbee's because they are only available for a couple weeks a year.

  2. Yum! That looks delicious!!!! Thanks for sharing. :-)
