~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Good News! Bad News!

As of today, 6/28/22, our phone and internet has not been repaired.  I'm able to make short posts with my phone over on Instagram.  Until repairs are made please join me over there for the latest happenings!  I'll be back here as soon as the repairs are made.

 Let's start with the good news!  If you've been following A Working Pantry for a while you will know that we get a lot of power outages.   We've learned to live with them, not happily, but never the less we've learned how to survive power outages by trial and error.  

A couple of weeks ago our power company notified us that they would be burying the power lines in our area underground.  We were overjoyed as that would mean a lot less power outages ... that's the good news!

The bad news is that they started work on it this week and today they accidently cut our phone lines in two places!  I'm not sure how it all came about as someone from the utility company was in the area yesterday marking all the various lines.  Nevertheless, it happened and our phone service is out which means our internet is out also as we get internet service through our landline!

This all means that I'm not sure how much posting I will be able to do here on the blog as I'm having to use my phone and with my injured wrist and hand (from my fall) it is difficult. (My right wrist and hand are in a brace.)

I'll be back as soon as all the repairs are made and we're up and running again!

Update 6/22/22 ... still no internet and no sign of anything being done!

6/28/22 ... still no internet or house phone and no sign of anything being done!!!   


A Working Pantry


  1. Sorry to hear this but please just take time to heal.

  2. Oh, maaaannnnnn!!! That's just so wrong! Hopefully, the break in the line will not cause any critical missed calls and the break allows your hand and wrist a little longer to heal. Stay cool and hydrated!

  3. Goodness! My first thought was that it would give you a bit more time to rest and heal. Take good care of yourself.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your fall, Miss Patsy! (Sometimes injuries give us the time we haven't realized we've needed for a little rest and refreshment.) Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  5. Perhaps it is God's way of getting you to slow down? Heal and recover. We'll be here waiting for the repairs to both your land line and your body to happen.

  6. Patsy, you can use your cell phone as a wi-fi hotspot. Not all cell phones have this ability but most do. I've used mine as such and it worked wonderfully. I think you go into Settings and then Network and Internet. Then switch on wi-fi.

  7. I sorry! When it comes back up be sure to call your provider and ask for a credit for the days it was out of service and they will credit you on your bill.
