~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~ surviving today's economy ~ a can-do spirit and attitude ~

Friday, November 11, 2022

Pantry Building Challenge 2022: #8

 Our challenge for this week had us answering the following question about our Thanksgiving meal!!!

Do you plan to personally eat turkey as part of your Thanksgiving meal, it doesn't matter whether you cook it, buy it cooked or eat it somewhere other than your home.

The question is, 'do you personally plan to eat turkey as part of your Thanksgiving meal?'

If the answer is yes .... add three items to your pantry this week.

If the answer is no, add two items to your pantry this week.

Here's my answer to the question ...

'No,' I do not plan on eating turkey as part of our Thanksgiving meal!

We don't eat a traditional Thanksgiving meal on Thanksgiving Day, but we do select a special meal that we rarely have and prepare it for our thanksgiving meal.  It almost never includes turkey!

My answer of 'no' means I was to add two items to my pantry!

So, what two items did I add ...

You're going to think me an odd bird given what I just shared about not having turkey on Thanksgiving Day ...

but when you see this ...

you know what you gotta do ...

turkey # 1 ...

turkey # 2 ...

That's right, the two items I added to my pantry this week were turkeys!

I'm in the process of roasting them then I plan to:
can the meat ...
can broth ...
and make turkey and dressing for the freezer!

We continually pray for God to go before us and prepare the way, we give Him credit for this being yet another one of His provisions!

Our challenge for next week has us thinking about Thanksgiving again, how many thanksgiving meals will you attend?  Will everyone gather at one place and be done, or will there be more than one gathering at different people's homes spread out over several days?

The number of thanksgiving meals you'll attend is the number of items you'll add to your pantry.

As usual, have fun with this!

Until next time, 


Sharing 42 years' experience of frugal living and pantry building (if you include my frugal childhood, well that would add a few more years to my experience!)

A Working Pantry

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine 

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

A Working Pantry is a way of life, a lifestyle if you will!

My pantry is intentional, purposeful, simple, practical, frugal and what works for my family.  It’s the food items and household supplies that keep my household running smoothly ready and available when they are needed.  It’s my contribution to our family’s economy and my work-from-home ‘job.' 

You can follow A Working Pantry on Instagram for more of our daily doings!

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Thank you for using my Amazon affiliate link when placing your Amazon orders. I earn a small percentage that doesn't increase what you pay, and it helps me keep my pantry well-stocked! 

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links.  This means that if you click on the link and place an order, etc I earn a small fee at no increased cost to you. Thank you for your support through these means.


  1. Holy cow! What an awesome price!!! My number was 3 and, for my area, I think I did well. Meijer was having a 7 for $7 sale (it used to be 5/$5), and you have to purchase at least 7 of the group of sale items to get that price. For my 3, I added: 1. pasta -- elbows, spirals, shells, and radiatori(sp), since I use a mix in a casserole and also for mac & cheese and pasta salads; 2. a couple of boxes of tissues at that price, including one holiday-themed box; 3. a pound of Challenge butter, on sale for $2.99, whereas the store brand was $3.99 and Land 'o Lakes was $4.69. I'm adding a pkg. of butter whenever I see it under $3.00, so I have ample for holiday baking. The only meat I bought was 1/2# of ground beef and 1/2# of Italian sausage for the cavatini recipe I make. Friends and family are coming by on Saturday to help me move some furniture (and they'll be back next weekend to help move it back -- carpet install). The least I can do is feed them.

    1. Lori, you did really good! This time of year is the time to stock up as these sales won't last long. So glad your family and friends are pitching in to help you, sounds like you're going to feed them well!

  2. Yes to the turkey even though it will be a turkey roast with lots of leftovers for the two of us. I added a lot more than three items to my pantry this past week. Aldi had their annual holiday sale of butter, so I bought six pounds (the limit).They also had sent out $5 off of $30 purchase coupons and I used a couple of those in two separate purchases to get cases of canned goods. A local grocery had my husband's favorite sweet potato fries on sale for $2 off so I bought four packages Had my semi-annual cleaning visit to the dentist yesterday and added their promotional toothbrush, floss and toothpaste to the pantry.

    1. Francis, I do believe you and I are kindred spirits when it comes to using our pantry eyes! Love the promotional toothbrush addition to your pantry, that's something I would do!

  3. I have to spend two weeks cooking Thanksgiving dinner due to I am no longer capable of cooking so much at once. So, I dug out a turkey breast to cook and freeze for Thanksgiving. If I can get to another breast or whole turkey, I will roast it, too. My hand on a cookbook, I will never buy a whole turkey again! I will always have turkey and dressing even if it is just a chicken breast for all the trimmings.

    1. Practical Parsimony, if I were cooking a traditional thanksgiving meal for several people, I would definitely have to have already started!

  4. I am so glad you had the opportunity to get those super cheap turkeys! I had to add three to my pantry but had the opportunity to add so much more. We got twelve pounds of butter for $2 a pound, a case of corn for $4 and a case of green beans for $4, four pounds of soft margarine for 1.25 each, three 2L bottles of Barq's rootbeer for 3.98 because Nana always has root beer when the grandkids come, 2 bags of sugar for 1.69 each, two loaves of frozen garlic bread for a side over Christmas for .99 each . The salvage store had our favorite dark chocolate almond KIND bars 6/$1 and we cleaned them out for a total of 18 and more Hershey's chocolate chips for the pantry at 2/$1. I also bought 4 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breasts for 2.49# at Aldi and got those cut and seasoned and in the freezer for fajitas for Christmas Eve.

    1. Lana, where did you find butter for $2 a pound! You really scored some great deals! I'm impressed! Way to go!

    2. Lidl. Your closest one is maybe Florence? Lots of other great deals there too and the butter is on next weeks ad too as well as the 6/$2 green beans and corn.

  5. We're not necessarily going to have turkey for Thanksgiving, but my local Meijer store had whole chickens for 99¢ a lb and whole turkeys for 55¢ a lb. I couldn't let that go by without getting at least 1 turkey and some chickens.
    Also picked up butter from Aldi while it's down to 2.49/lb. Because we do love butter around my house. I'm hoping it goes down a bit more.

    But speaking of making things stretch farther, I'm switching more to only using butter on bread/toast. Most cooking applications I can use avocado, coconut or olive oils or bacon fat I've set aside.

    1. Anonymous, those are good prices on whole chickens and turkeys and yes, we're making 'stretching choices' too in all areas!

  6. That's an incredible price on the turkey. I added 5 quart bags of chard from the garden to the freezer, as well as 3 quarts of French Crecy soup that got made from part of the 5pounds of carrots that I bought last week and 3pints of no'mato sauce.

    1. Cookie, you have the most prolific chard! You definitely have a green thumb when it comes to growing it! You did good this week!

  7. Lowest turkey price I've seen is .79 ¢ a lb. Still hoping it will go down with this weeks ads. Probably no turkey here. The family is split on whether they like it or not. 1\2 would prefer taco buffet. Buy 1 Get 1 english muffins went into into my freezer this week. No Aldis in our area. Great deals you all are finding.
    Central Az

    1. Ellie, I hope you can find a better deal than $.79/lb for turkey, but still, that's a decent price. I have seen them much higher in the stores.
