~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Monday, December 12, 2022

Blogmas 2022: 12/12/22

Being long-distance grandparents is made easier by our kids who go the extra mile to include grandma and grandpa in the special occasions of our grandchildren's lives.

Tonight, two of our children sent us pictures and or videos of special holiday events that were going on in our grandchildren's lives.  We oohed and awed over the pictures, watched the videos and messaged each other back and forth.  It was the next best thing to being there!

We are so thankful for our children and the way they honor us in so many ways, but tonight especially, when their honor showed up in allowing us to be a part of our grand's special HOLIDAY events via technology.

It greatly raised our level of Christmas cheer!

Until tomorrow!

Merry Christmas from us to you!


Sharing 42 years' experience of frugal living and pantry building 

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine 

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

A Working Pantry is a way of life, a lifestyle if you will!

My pantry is intentional, purposeful, simple, practical, frugal and what works for my family.  It’s the food items and household supplies that keep my household running smoothly ready and available when they are needed.  It’s my contribution to our family’s economy and my work-from-home ‘job.' 

You can follow A Working Pantry on Instagram for more of our daily doings!

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  1. That is wonderful. I am so glad we have these ways of staying close to family who are miles away.

    We finished the wrapping today and have enjoyed some Christmas programs on TV tonight. I am thankful to live in a state where Christ's birth is honored on the steps of the capitol building every Christmas and it is televised for our enjoyment.

  2. We are long distance also and are so grateful that we have technology to share all of those moments that we would otherwise miss. Aside from seeing the grands we were able to see our daughters Christmas concert performance via video at her church. Such a blessing. We will all be baking cookies together via zoom this weekend.

    1. Cookie, baking cookies via zoom, I love that idea!!! Isn't technology just the best from a grandma's point of view!!!
