~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~ surviving today's economy ~ a can-do spirit and attitude ~

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Looking Back at the Month of August: Thrifting (part 2)

In part one I shared a few of the things we purchased while thrifting.  Today, I want to share what else I found and tell you what I plan to do with them ...

The color of this men's shirt caught my eye and after checking it for stains, rips, condition of fabric, etc, I put it in my basket.  The quality of the fabric was very good and there were no stains or rips, it was perfect for what I had in mind!

My plan, that I am in the process of completing, is to turn it into a fall blouse for myself.  I'm shortening the sleeves into three quarters length, squaring off the bottom, removing the pocket, adding small slits to the sides and removing excess buttons. (of course, I'm saving the extra buttons ... they've already been added to my button jar.)  I actually have all the cutting done, buttons removed, and hems pinned.  The blouse is now on my dress form for me to 'ponder' on it for a couple of days.  If, after a couple of days, I'm still pleased with what I've done, I'll take it to the sewing machine and do the stitching.  In the meantime, if I want to tweak it, I can without having to rip out something!  (I also purchased a pink one just like this and I have a whole different plan for it!)  (The shirts were $5.99 each)

The fabric that I cut off of the sleeves and hem ... well ... I'll be using it in an upcoming quilting project.  Nothing goes to waste!

A pair of oversized men's jeans has been on my thrift store shopping list for quite some time.  I finally found this pair and I can't wait to transform them into a pretty feminine pair of jeans for myself.  I know exactly the look I'm going for and am anxious to get started!  (The jeans were $8.99)

But first I need to finish the blouse and no, the blouse and the jeans are not meant to be worn together.  Now that I think about it, they might actually clash, fashion wise!  Yes, I like modest feminine fashion, I always have!

Until next time,

patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

Sharing 43 years' experience of frugal, prudent living and pantry building 

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine, where I share my love for God and His Word through my personal Bibe study.  Physical preparedness is important, but not near as important as spiritual preparedness.  Join me over at From This Heart of Mine and study God's Word with me.

Items I use in keeping my pantry well-stocked:


Dehydrator Teflon Sheets

Dehydrator Cookbook

Food Saver Vacuum Sealer

Herb/Coffee Bean Grinder

Manual Food Chopper

Pressure Canner

Canning Supplies

Food Scale

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Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links.  This means that if you click on the link and place an order, etc I earn a small fee at no increased cost to you. Thank you for your support through these means.


  1. When I saw the shirt and before I read your intention I thought for sure it was going into a Bonnie Hunter quilt. What a great idea to turn it iinto a blouse and then use the scraps for other things. I have a stash of jeans that I got at one of the church's rummage sales here. Really looking forward to seeing what you do with the jeans you got. Cookie

    1. Cookie, I'm a Bonnie Hunter quilting fan too! It won't be much longer before this year's mystery starts! As soon as I finish the shirt/blouse, I plan to start on the jeans. I'm having fun with upcycling these clothing items!

  2. I can't wait to see the finished shirts! Isn't it crazy how much clothing is now at thrift stores?

    We had a second day of thrifting at the lake and I found a dehydrator for 5.50 and a set of stainless steel measuring cups for just 50 cents. The dehydrator is huge. Our other thrifty find was the day before we left for the lake when Hubby went to the dump. The lady unloading next to him asked if he would like 3 boxes of canning jars! YES! There were jars of every size and six old glass mayo jars which have already been put to use for food storage.

    The dehydrator is a Ronco brand so let's hope it slices and dices! Remember those old commercials?

    1. Lana, I was amazed at the prices on everything at the thrift stores we visited, and it wasn't just one. It seems they all have raised their prices.

      You scored some really great things on your second day of thrifting! Your finds were much more economical than mine!

      I do remember the Ronco brand and I hope it slices and dices too! I hadn't thought about that commercial in a very long time! It was catchy, I guess that's why I still remember it after all these years!

  3. I can’t wait to see the finished projects. I can’t sew at all.

    1. Lee Ann, have you thought about taking a beginner sewing class ... in person or online? It's a wonderful skill to have.
