~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Monday, September 16, 2024

A Journal of My Days: 9/16/24

The theme for this year is "Laser focused, hunkered down and spending as little money as possible.” 

We're talking gardening, bargain shopping and pantry building and how we utilize all three to keep us fed and cared for without breaking the bank!

In the garden:  I picked up a few pears that had fallen from one of our pear trees and brought them in to dehydrate.  

I have one pumpkin that survived the drought and I'm waiting for it to get ripe.  Believe it or not I'm really excited about this one pumpkin as it is the heirloom 'luxury' variety which means I can save seeds from it for next year's garden.

A friend in the community asked my hubby if we would be interested in having a few cabbage plants and collards plants as soon as they got big enough.  Of course, hubby said yes, so I'm anticipating them arriving on our doorstep soon.   We should be able to grow both outside throughout the winter ... unless we get an ice storm or deep freeze weather for several days in a row.  Typically, it shouldn't be a problem ... but, we'll see as this has been a crazy weather year.

In the kitchen:  In an attempt to use up our apples, I made an apple cobbler.  It was quite yummy!

Thrifting, bargain, and/or loss leader shopping at the grocery store, farmers market, etc:  While traveling we went to an Amish produce auction and my hubby got two boxes of cucumbers for $1.50 each ... the whole box for $1.50. (Each box was the size that holds 10 realms of copy paper.)  Now that was a bargain!  We've shared with others, I've made refrigerator pickles and cucumber salad, and we still have cucumbers left.  I put them in the refrigerator to use with our daily meals and of course to keep our bowl of cucumber salad replenished!

In the Pantry:  This week I added home-canned October beans to our pantry, lima beans to the freezer portion of our pantry and dehydrated apples.  Yes, I have been busy!

In other news:

We arrived home this afternoon from a weekend out of town trip for my hubby's work, to a weather disturbance that dumped about 10 inches of rain in our area, some areas got closer to 20 inches.  Flooding is once again an issue and schools and businesses are shut down.

Speaking of traveling, look at what a friend made for us to bring home with us ... homemade apple pie.  It was delicious and the crust was one of the flakiest I have ever eaten.  The crust was as good as the contents.  Put them together and it was mouthwatering delicious!

We started our Winter Preps Challenge this week by completing a list of things we wanted to have done by November 1st.  The first thing we marked off that list was AAA batteries.  We purchased a new package to have on hand should we lose power for any reason during the winter months.  Some of our small flashlights and head lamps use AAA batteries ... enough said!  We also restocked our self-rising flour!  This week the plan is to start working on herbal cold and flu remedies.  I'm hoping to knock out several of those ... we'll see!

Click HERE to see what I've been up to in the sewing/creating world this week!  There is not much to report other than a finish I completed earlier.

My teaching notes on our next study topic for the young wives and mothers Bible class I teach have been posted.  You can find them HERE.

We have done extensive traveling for my husband's work four of the last five weeks.  We are tired and ready to stay home for a while!  I look forward to getting back to my normal routines of 'keeping my home' and 'keeping my pantry restocked.'  There's just no place like home!

That's it for me this week, what has your week looked like?

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. Always happy to see your posts. Love the striped top. You’re so talented.

  2. Glad to see you posting as we had wondered about your rainfall.

    Over the last week we have mostly focused on ministering to our next door neighbors. Our beloved friend went to be with the Lord yesterday after a long fight with cancer. When we got up yesterday morning and got the text I was glad to be able to get right to work to on some homemade blueberry muffins to take over there because I had everything on hand. When they moved in 18 years ago he asked us that first day if we knew about Jesus because he had been looking for someone who could tell him. He was saved and led his entire family to his Jesus.

    1. Lana, we were driving home in it and was thankful when we arrived safely! Some areas nearby got upwards of 20 inches, but I don't think we got near that much. Others nearer to where we live got anywhere from 4 - 10 inches which is probably more likely in the range we got.

      I'm so sorry over the loss of your neighbor, but so thankful you were prepared to jump right in with something to carry to the family. Well-stocked pantries have so many benefits, don't they. As thankful as I am that your pantry allowed you to be of help, I'm more thankful that you were able to tell him how to be saved. When all is said and done, our salvation is the most important thing. I am convinced that if a person is truly looking and praying for someone to teach them the truth of God's Word, that God will lead them to someone who can. A Christian's responsibility is to be prepared to do just that! So very proud of you!

    2. Our neighbors wanted to get out of NYC and thought they just randomly picked a new town. The afternoon before he died my husband was over there visiting and praying with him and he told him that God had sent him right here to be our neighbors. It was no accident.

  3. I have a trip coming up next week (to NC) and another in October I am planning for. Snacks on the plane and budgeting money for eating out. Working on my budget for the rest of the year. Christmas is pretty much done! Except for little goodies for the stockings (food items). It isn't a big Christmas at all but it's ok. I think Christmases and birthday are WAY out of hand anyway, lol. My opinion.
    I am also having company (October trip to the beach) and am working on getting my little house in order. My brother is coming over tomorrow to hand pictures for me (I am 4' 10") and help me with some other things. Should be a good, rest of the month. Really concentrating on my budget these next few months. I want to go in to 2025 with a good plan.

    1. Barbara, you are going to be really busy, but it all sounds like a good kind of busy! For what's it's worth I feel the same way about Christmases and Birthdays, it has just gotten out of hand money wise in my opinion.

      Hubby and I have finalized our finalized our financial plans and goals for the rest of the year too. It feels good to have a plan!
