~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Mornings With Me!: 9/26/24

Can this morning be over already, is it already noon!!!  Time sure does pass quickly at times!

Here's what my morning looked like ...

I noticed that I was on my last bottle of cider fire, which is my signal to make more, so that's what I did ...

Cider fire can be made several different ways and depending on what I have on hand mine will look different every time I make a batch.  Here's what I used this time ...

(I used dehydrated items I had on hand except for one and I'll identify it in the ingredients.  I try to keep the basic 5 of this recipe (onions, garlic, horseradish, rosemary and turmeric) on hand at all times in a dehydrated state.)

cayenne pepper (this item is the one I used fresh)
star anise

I filled each jar with apple cider vinegar, put a lid on and labeled them.  I'll shake it a few times a week until it's ready to be strained.  Notice that I included the 'ready' date, that keeps me from having to go back and check the calendar every time I wonder how much longer it has!

I also noticed this morning that we had some bread that had gone stale, so I cut the slices into quarters, put them on a pan and set the pan under a ceiling fan to dry.

After getting these things done, I sat down to write the introduction to our next ladies Bible study titled, "Martha, Martha! ... Growing in her Faith."

That's it for today, what did your morning look like?

Don't forget to leave a comment!

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. I woke up early and tossed and turned for a couple of hours before drifting back to sleep, but then I overslept! It was a VERY dark and dreary morning though, so I didn't realise until I looked at the clock.
    After breakfast I made the beds etc and then spent most of the morning straining and bottling apricot liqueur for wedding favours. I may just have sneaked a little taste too, just for quality control purposes ;)

  2. I woke up a little late. After 3 restless nights I finally managed a good night’s sleep and took advantage of it! I then changed the sheets and ran a load of clothes. Afterwards, I went to the bank for some cash only to find out my driver’s license had expired two weeks ago on my birthday. I drove home VERY carefully and was able to renew it online in just five minutes. What a relief! In Texas, if you renewed it in person the previous time, you can do it online the next. To get an in- person appointment for renewal sometimes requires waiting several months or driving as far as two hours away to an office with available appointments! Now I’m going to go cut some fabric pieces for a baby quilt…Glenda

    1. Glenda, I'm glad you didn't get stopped before you got home! I'm even more happy that you could renew your license online. I'd love to see a picture of your completed baby quilt when you finish it.

  3. As for my morning, it was quieter, but I enjoyed some reading. Can't wait to hear more about the Bible study! 😊

    1. follow me, thank you, the next lesson will be posted on Thursday.

  4. i also have had a few restless nights. i have been having a lot of right shoulder pain that wakes me up alot. this morning got 3 loads of laundry washed and dried, usually dry it on racks but with the damp and rainy weather had to use the dryer. been trying to save money by using the sun when i can. also made 2 dish towels for a gift basket i'm getting together. tonight is a leftover supper so i won't have to do that. is nettle tea good for shoulder and joint pain? bonnie in southern pa.

    1. Bonnie, I'm sorry you're having shoulder pain. I don't know if nettles are good for joint and shoulder pain. One thing I do when I have pain due to inflammation is use a castor oil pack on it. I'm not a doctor and I don't know the cause of your pain, but this works really well for me if inflammation is involved.

  5. I’ve been praying for you, Patsy. Please let us know that you are safe from the hurricane when you’re able…Glenda

    1. Glenda, thank you so much. We are fine and have no property damage. This morning was kind of bumpy, but we fared well and this afternoon the sun came out!
