~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Friday, October 18, 2024

Hunkering Down 2024: Weeks 41 & 42

It's the middle of October and hubby and I have spent some time talking about how we've done thus far this year, and where we hope to be financially by the end of the year.  One change we talked about and that we're both ready for is to relax our plan enough to allow our personal allowances to be restarted.

When we started our plan back at the first of the year, we talked about whether to keep on allowing our personal allowances as part of our budget.  We decided to take it one month at a time and as it turned out we went several months without them, but now we fill like it's time to reinstate them.

We have felt strongly all throughout this year that neither of us wanted to get to the point in our hunkering down journey that we started resenting what we were doing.  We both felt like that having our own personal 'pocket money' would keep us from getting to that point and were perfectly willing to forgo it as long as we were okay mentally with it.

Since we've made better progress than we thought would be possible this year, we've mutually decided that we can go back to having this luxury.  Does this mean we are letting up in all areas, absolutely not!  It simply means what it says, we are choosing to reinstate our personal allowances.  Nothing more and nothing less.

We're still working toward being able to pay a double payment this month on our targeted debt.  If all continues to go as it has, we should be able to do it.

That's where we're at in our journey, taking care of the mental aspect of reaching our goals is important to us and that's what we're making a priority right now.

That's it for this week, what about you, how did your week go and what financial goals are you working toward?

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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