~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mornings with Me: 10/17/24

 This morning was a 'cooking ahead' kind of morning for a purpose!

I'm planning a big reorganizing project over the next few days, and I wanted to have enough cooked ahead so all I would have to do was heat and eat or grab and go ... plus I had some more batch cooking that I needed to do.

I made granola bars from part of the granola I talked about in This Post.

Here's the method I used ...

2 cups granola
1/2 cup sourdough starter discard
1/2 cup butterscotch chips 
(I used butterscotch because it was what I had; chocolate chip would work too)
6 tablespoons of peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
a sprinkle of salt

Mix all together
Press into a 9 x 9 baking dish (I lined mine with parchment paper)
Bake 20 minutes

Let cool completely and cut into bars

I had two of them for my lunch and they were delicious!

I packaged up the rest and added them to the refrigerator.

I used more sourdough discard to make pizza crust.

I turned the eye on to between low and medium and put coconut oil in a 6-inch cast iron skillet to melt.

Once the coconut oil was melted, I poured in 1/2 cup of sourdough discard and let it cook until edges were bubbly, and the center was firm but not cooked through.  

Once it was at that stage, I flipped it and let it cook until done.  (I did 6 of these.)

  I let them cool completely, packaged them and placed them in the refrigerator .... all but one!  I made myself a small personal size pizza for my last meal of the day.

One personal pan pizza from scratch in order of putting together ...

1 sourdough discard pizza crust
home-canned pizza sauce went on next
shredded mozzarella cheese
crumbled cooked sausage (because that's what I had already cooked)
a few more sprinkles of shredded mozzarella cheese
crumbled up a few dehydrated herbed tomatoes (that I made earlier in the week)
a sprinkle of cayenne pepper flakes

I broiled it on low for 10 minutes, let it cool enough to handle, cut it into manageable pieces and enjoyed it immensely.

I just have to say that I really did like the 'pizza crust' and it was a way to use up the sourdough discard without discarding it!

I finished batch cooking the sausage hubby found on mark down earlier in the week and added them to the freezer part of our pantry.

In between all this cooking, I reloaded the dehydrator with more apples and pumpkin spice fruit leather.

And if you're wondering what my big reorganizing project is ...

I'm pulling everything out of our clothes closet, giving it a good fall cleaning and then plan to go through every piece of clothing, etc in it and make a determination of whether to keep it, rehome it, recycle into cleaning rags, or upcycle it into something different to wear.

Once I get started on this project, I want to be able to stay at it until it's finished ... hence, today's cooking ahead session!

That's it, that was my morning!  What did your morning look like?

Don't forget to leave a comment!

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. My morning was a hodge podge of things. We both got up early this morning because we had someone coming to give us an estimate on repairing and sealing the stone on our chimney. The repair work will take place at the end of the month. Hubby watched a little bit of the news and I did some work in my craft room. For the grands I'm making old fashioned crackers the ones that you fill with goodies and then pull on each end and the person who gets the largest end gets the prizes. They're so cute. I've heard these things are a tradition in the UK for Christmas. I like to make them year round and decorate them according to the holiday.
    We had our brunch a little later and then headed out to one of the farms we shop at for some veggies that we don't grow ourselves and a couple of dozen eggs. Back home I took out some bone broth and some leftover stir fry and will make "eggroll soup" . Basically, it's made with a recipe for eggroll in a bowl, some oriental seasoning, a little sesame oil, and voila -- soup. It's one of our favs. I'm also planning a big cook up this weekend so I can spend time without thinking about what's for dinner in the coming week. Cookie

    1. Cookie, please share a picture of your old fashioned crackers, I need some inspiration of how to decorate them.

      I love it when I'm 'cooked up' for several meals and don't have to worry about what's for dinner too!

  2. We have done a big cook ahead over the last 24 hours, too. We did a bunch of grilling and put 6 burgers, and a dozen beef hot dogs in the freezer for ready meals while we were grilling chicken for last night supper. I baked two dozen biscuits and put those away. Today I peeled, diced and cooked enough potatoes for three meals. Then I prepped fruit crisp topping times four and French toast casserole topping for six times and put them in the freezer in jars. I diced a small chunk of leftover homemade bread into a small casserole and added the custard to sit over night for French toast casserole for tomorrow morning. I peeled six apples and sliced and made an apple crisp for desserts for the next few days. It tells great to have checked it all over f my list!

    1. Lana, you'll be ahead for several meals, you had to have worked hard to get all that done in the last 24 hours!

  3. Oh, those closet projects! Those granola bars will serve you well during this project, especially when you need a bit of extra energy. I've been doing the same thing. I have 2 walk-in closets in my bedroom and am about 3/4 of the way through my clothes closet. The 2nd closet has my linens and bedding, luggage, and back-up of TP, Kleenex, etc. in it and that closet is done. Once I finish the closet, all of the dresser drawers will be next. Happy you did all that advance prep, since closets require a big effort and can really wear you out. Take your time and don't over do it!

    1. Lana, dresser drawers are next after the closet here too!! It's that time of year, isn't it, to get everything, including the organization of the house, ready for winter.
