~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Mornings with Me: 10/15/24

After my morning chores were completed, I had a mountain of laundry to get done!  Yes, it was a mountain, more so than I normally have but we had some extenuating circumstances this past week that prevented me from getting it done!

Today was the day to slay the laundry dragon so I got to work as soon as hubby left for work.

One load ...

two loads ...

three loads ...

four loads ... 

five loads ...

six loads ...

seven loads ... yes, seven loads of laundry.  We are normally a three-load family per week!

I'm glad it's done!!!

In between loading the washer and unloading the washer ...

and loading the dryer and unloading the dryer ...

and the hanging to dry the items that needed to hang dry ...

I spent some time in Bible study in preparation for an upcoming Bible study class!

I also filled the dehydrator up again, this time with fruit leather (5 trays) and herbed tomatoes (3 trays)!!!  

Fruit leather is not just for kids you know, especially good ole home-made, filled with nutrition, easy to grab for a snack, fruit leather!  This is a great way to use fruit in the freezer that you need to get out of the freezer, but you're just not sure what to do with it!

Here's the method I used.

I had a few more tomatoes that needed to be used, so I filled three more trays with herbed tomatoes.

As of the time of this writing (which is evening), the fruit rollups are done, wrapped and in a jar and I'm waiting on the tomatoes to finish up.

 That's it, that was my morning!  What did your morning look like?

I sure am glad to be caught up on laundry!!!

Don't forget to leave a comment!

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. I am so weird because I like doing laundry 🤣

    I started taking Christopher's Tissue and Bone and it has made a difference so I was able to go out today. Yay! Some blessings were a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel using a gift card, great deals at the grocery store, a free carwash to clean up our very dirty vehicle that had hurricane debris stuck all over it, finding out after we were home that a man hunt occurred across the street from the grocery store only an hour after we were there. God kept us safe.

    1. Lana, I'm glad you all were safe while at the grocery store! That's scary!

      I can't say that I mind doing laundry, but when it gets piled up and it takes me all day, well, I can say that I don't like that!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Diana, I try to stay busy ... at my age in order to be able to move tomorrow, I have to keep moving today!

  3. Replies
    1. Anne in the kitchen, as crumbled pizza toppings. They are delicious on a pizza!

  4. After a few days away celebrating our daughter's wedding I was also up to my ears in laundry!

  5. Dear Mrs Patsy, your tomatoes look so good!! I wanted to share that I just made homemade pizza sauce powder on the dehydrator, very similar to making fruit roll ups. I saved Roma tomatoes and Marconi peppers in the freezer over the summer as we harvested them. Then this week I threw them frozen into the crockpot with a bit of water for about 24 hours. Then into the blender then strained through the colander to remove skin and seeds from the tomatoes. After straining, I funneled the remaining puree into an empty plastic gallon milk jug, added oregano, basil, onion and garlic powder, a little sugar and salt, put the cap on a shook it up. The jug lets me pour this neatly onto the tray liners. When dry and cool, I cracked it into pieces and whirled it in the food processor and I now have a full jar of dried pizza sauce powder. Pizza sauce has gotten too expensive, even for the store brand. And being just two of us, I can take out just a few spoonfuls and rehydrate with water and make just the amount I need. I am guessing I could also use this product for sloppy joes, and marinara sauce. Each tray produced one big red perfectly square dried Pizza sauce that looked like a fruit rollup. I love being able to produce something from what we grow. It was fun and really easy. No peeling the tomatoes!
    Susan .

    1. Susan, I love this idea and am going print it off and add it to my preserving notebook! Thank you for sharing! By the way, I avoid peeling tomatoes when preserving them if at all possible, so your method fits in right nicely with the way I preserve tomatoes!

  6. This morning, I filled 5 pint jars with pork chunks and 2 pint jars with beef chunks using meat I got this week on Flashfood. It worked out to about $1.25 per jar for the meat! We just used 1 pint of beef chunks previously canned on the most delicious oven baked beef chimichangas. One jar made 5 big chimis!
    I saw on Rose Red Homestead on YouTube how she makes Salisbury Steaks using her crockpot. I already had 1-1/2 pounds of ground beef (from Flashfood- $1/pound) so 2 of the 4 I made will be for our dinner using the homemade gravy over mashed potatoes from our garden. The other 2 will go into the freezer for a convenience meal when we don’t feel like cooking!
    I’ve got about 1/2 bushel of apples that I’m getting ready to slice up for the dehydrator in the morning.
    Sure is a money saver!!

    1. Gardenpat, you find the best deals and then you stretch it even further by what you do with it! Love your comment and the inspiration it gives!

  7. Patsy well done and yes it gets like that around here when we are away from home we also have to catch up on the laundry.

    We had appointments in town and did a mini grocery shop and bought apples for $2.99kg vs $5.50 kg in other shops and 2lt of chocolate milk for $3.99 vs up to $5.50. Also when I got home I did a load of laundry and hung it on the clothes line and did a mini tidy of the kitchen table.

    Have a great week.


    1. Lorna, you had a busy morning, but a productive one! I have to work to keep my kitchen table tidy has it seems to be the 'catch-all' place for everything to get dumped!
