~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Mornings with Me!: 10/24/24

 After morning chores ....

you do know that those morning chores have to be done first ...

some mornings I don't mind and others I just want to get on with my day!

I started on my 'cleaning out our closet' and reorganizing it all project!  Whew!  I made a good dent in it, but it will definitely have to carry over into tomorrow!

After a while I needed a break from putting my hands on every piece of clothing in it to sort into keep, rehome, refashion or recycle categories so I headed to the kitchen and made some more sourdough flour tortillas.  This time I used a different recipe ...

Before I started with the dough though, I had some beef top round marinating in the refrigerator for jerky and took it out, patted it dry and loaded the dehydrator.

I know it doesn't look all that appetizing, but this stuff is delicious!  This will definitely be a keeper and go in our recipes collection.

After I finished loading the dehydrator and making the tortillas, it was back to my bigger task ... the closet.  Even in its 'not so pretty' state things are already easier to find!

This is going to be one project that when it's completed will make our lives easier when it comes to getting dressed!

That's it, that was my morning!  What did your morning look like?

Don't forget to leave a comment!

(Rude and or unkind comments will not be published, this is a place of warmth and encouragement ... enough said!)

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. We need to sort out the closet too. And the linen closet.

    We had a bunch of errands to run and I was so happy to be good enough to tag along. Butter is on sale for 2.98 at one store this week but of course they were out so we got a raincheck. We had soup leftover last night so today I ran it through the canner.

    1. Lana, I'm glad you were feeling well enough to be out and about. Sometimes, just a brief change of scenery can help.

      That's a good price for butter, we are keeping our eye out for it to go on sale, in years past it has around this time of year in our area.

      It's a little early for soup weather in our area, but it won't be much longer until we'll be enjoying them as well.

  2. I need to do the closet reorganization, too. It's on my list. Have you posted your recipe for the top round beef jerky? I'd love to have it.

    1. Elaine, I didn't post the recipe, but will go back and add it.

  3. I had two unexpected expenses this week so I am getting over that. I did have the money but now my reserves are lowere and I am so bummed. But, we persevere don't we. Things could be worse. Got a few little errands done, but stayed OUT of the grocery store.

    1. Barbara, those unexpected expenses hurt, don't they? But then, isn't that one of the things we save for ... still it gives one an uneasy feeling until those savings are replaced ... or it does me!
