~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Friday, December 13, 2024

Circling the Wagons: Level 2, Part 2, Summary

Circling the Wagons …. in uncertain times and emergency situations

(Week 2, level 2, Summary)

by mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

Wagon clipart link … https://clipart-library.com/clipart/713877.htm

(Reminder: in our imaginary scenario what you have is what you're working with and whatever your weather is, is the weather in the scenario.

One more thing, for those just popping in, this is an imaginary scenario that's part of a class we are doing and not real life.) 

We’re on day 49 of our imaginary scenario, that's 7 weeks.  In our scenario a lot has changed during these 7 weeks, hasn't it?

With this week we're closing out our second level and breaking until January for a Christmas and New Year's break.  When we come back in January, we'll do some reviewing and then move on to level 3 of this class.

Before we sign off though, let's talk about the take-aways from this week's class ...

We talked about our abilities to handle a virus like illness in a grid down scenario ...

We talked about books and or written materials that would help us in learning about possible alternative treatment methods if needed ...

And then we turned our attention to making the best Christmas possible in our grid down scenario.

I took lots more notes and became more determined to continue learning about herbs, essential oils and homeopathic options.  I also plan to continue working on gifts throughout the year so that I'll always have something for a gift should an occasion call for it.

What did you learn from this week's class, what are your take-aways?

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

You might be interested in my other blogs ...

Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine ... (we're going to be doing 'Blogmas here this year instead of on A Working Pantry.)

From This Heart of Mine

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  1. Keeping on gift making & collecting year long, working pantry & dry meals, alternative protein sources, lentils & lots of reading of alternatives, printed patterns, books.

    1. Anonymous, you are singing my song! love it!

  2. I printed off the WHO online recipe for making a rehydration drink containing sugar and salt, as I did not have the correct amounts written down anywhere. I am keeping the instructions in my first aid box. Although I always have lots of Christmas decorations to hand, along with cards, wrapping paper etc, I tend not to get my presents together until well into the build up to Christmas. I plan to build up my present store throughout the year. I have also been thinking about how I would cook something celebratory in a grid down situation. I remember the power going out at Christmas when I was a child and my Mum managed, so I expect I would too.

    1. Tracy, that's a good idea to put the rehydration drink recipe with your first aid box. Being able to find it when it's needed is important!

      For me, working on gifts all through the year helps a lot. We still have some things to do in November and December, but the bulk of it is finished by then. In a situation like this scenario, that would be a blessing!

  3. I need to amp up some of my skills -- gardening with a greater variety of herbs, knowing which herbs to use for what, crafting, ...

    1. Lori, my big goal for 2025 is to do just that ... amp up my skills!

  4. I realized that I used to use to use more homeopathic remedies when my kids were little. I went through my stash of those and basically started over with new ones. I have an old paperback book called homeopathy for the home. It’s a basic explanation of remedies and uses. On a different note, about the time this class started our power went out on an unexpected day. By that I mean a beautiful sunny morning, not a stormy one. We were without power for half a day with no explanation. I wished at that time that I had a full charge on my phone and iPad. Since then I’m more mindful to plug them in. Mel in Co.

    1. Mel, living in hurricane country, I'm probably overly cautious about keeping things charged and charging banks fully charged. The weather can change rather quickly in our area for various reasons that would take out our power, and we need to be prepared!

  5. With this having already a hard year, I haven’t been my organized self. I definitely need to get back on track with this. Definitely my pantry. With my on going issue with my injury, my husband has taken over. I'am not aware of what we have at times. I just listen to a sermon on God knows our needs. He has definitely shown me this through this unexpected change in my life. So I know he will met our needs if this were a real life event. Tina

    1. Tina, God does indeed know our needs and He also knows when we've done all we can do. It's then that we need to lean in on Him and ask Him to do what we can't. He is faithful!

  6. Three Thanksgivings ago my fridge and oven weren't working. The fridge had been out a month and the oven earlier that week. I still hosted Thanksgiving-- stress free I might add. Hubs decided to smoke the turkey and mac & cheese which has now become our Thanksgiving tradition. I love not having to worry about the turkey! Yeah some stuff just wasn't quite the same cooked on the stovetop instead of the oven but I imagine it'd been like that over the fire pit or grill. No one seemed bothered by it.

    I'm all about adapting and adjusting. We'd be having Christmas in this house.

    1. Margaret, adapting and adjusting is what we would all need to do ... great comment!
