~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

From My Home to Yours: 2/8/24

 From My Home to Yours


~ Let's talk gardening ~

This week has been filled with doctor appointments, trips to pharmacies for prescription fills and refills and just trying to get settled in back at home after hubby spent 7 days in the hospital.  You can read more about that HERE.

On Thursday, I crashed and simply could not go any further without some substantial rest, so I don't have much to report this week in the form of getting things done.  I can, however, talk about gardening and share some of my plans for the year.

I break my gardening down by months and what needs to be done in each.   This year I've added little tips and notes of extra things I want to incorporate into my garden to better utilize the space I have.  Here's what February and March look like ...

Note:  Our gardening zone is 8b with excessively hot, humid and dry summers!  Winters are somewhat mild with spring and fall being our prime growing times.

Spring Planting  (February and March)




Radishes (2/1 – plant small row; 2 weeks later, plant another small row, plant last planting 3/15)

Onions (Dixon Dale – Texas Sweet) – snap off seed heads as soon as they form – don’t let them grow at all!

Curly kale

Green Artichoke – grows tall – 8 – 10 feet




Marvel peas (January and February)

Beets (plant again in February)

Leeks – tall thin varieties (King Richard)

Scallion - plant along edges of raised bed

Arugula – flowers are edible (save seeds from flowers after mature and dried)

These are the basics and doesn't take into consideration any new items I/we want to try.  I have a few new to me herbs I want to plant and some need to be started in February and March. 

In addition, and this is new for us this year, around each tree, including fruit trees, fertilize/compost well and place landscaping fabric or black fabric about 3 feet out from tree base.  Make holes in landscaping fabric where I want to plant and do so.  Plant shade loving plants.

As you can see, I'm getting excited about this year's gardening season.  Last year we weren't able to do much gardening due to health issues and I'm eager to get back to it this year!  I have BIG plans for this year's garden!

If you've made it this far, you will have realized that there have been no pictures, well that just won't do so take a peek at this one ...

On Friday, I managed to get cabbage seeds planted!!!  It only took me about 10 minutes, and it felt good to be outside and do something I enjoy ...

The variety I planted is called 'All Season' and I planted the seeds in one of two salad barrels my hubby made several years ago.  Here's a tutorial on how the salad barrels were made.

In about another month, I will plant more seeds so I will have plants to do succession planting.

The following information is what I look for and add to my gardening journal for everything I plant ...

‘All Season’ Cabbage


Produces 11 – 15-inch heads weighing 10 – 15 pounds each

Withstands hot, dry weather conditions, heat tolerant

Good for eating, cooking and making sauerkraut

85 days to maturity

Armed with this info I can determine when I need to plant, how much I need to plant and where to plant.

That's it for this week!  What did your week look like in your home?  How did you look well to the ways of your household?  Have you started making gardening plans yet?

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

You might be interested in my other blogs ...

Grandma's Got a Sewing Machine 

From This Heart of Mine 


  1. I hope you have a great gardening year and plenty of rain just when you need it. I don't know what we will do yet. So many years in this house I wished for more sun so I could really grow some vegetables and now that we have it, no thanks to Hurricane Helene, I cannot do it! Also praying that you get rested and life settles down for you.

    I think my biggest savings was ordering cards from Amazon. In January we usually buy all the birthday cards, Valentines and everything that needs restocking in the card file. In December we saw that all the cards are now $1 at Dollar Tree. I realized we were likely looking at $40-50 in January alone for cards. Over to Amazon where I found a box of 110 assorted cards for 34.99 with great reviews. So I ordered it and was so pleased when it arrived. The cards are 5x7 and in a sturdy box with file dividers and many colors of envelopes in the back of the box. All the cards are different so no worry about sending the same card twice. I also ordered a 24 card pack of Valentines for 7.99. We are set for cards for a long time now. And no trips to the store either!

    We think our heat pump is finally fixed. It was a real puzzle of parts that had failed. We asked our HVAC guy if he could find out if it was still under warranty and he found out that the warranty is through this June so all the parts are covered!

    We have been blessed beyond measure by care from our church. Not only do we have two meals delivered every week but a young couple has volunteered to help with our yard. This is a huge thing for Hubby to have all this help.

  2. I can't wait to see what you grow! Our growing season is so short. Plus, I am not good with produce. I do better with flowers. We are zone 5, and every year it's either too wet, or things come around late enough in the season that the yield is poor. I really admire gardeners like you!

  3. I have been thinking about you since you posted that you wouldn't be around for a few days. I am so glad that your husband got the care he needed so quickly and that you are both back home now.

    I had to attend my local hospital for a small surgical procedure this week. I had been waiting quite a while to have it done, so it was a relief to actually get to 'the big day' and the ladies who carried it out were so friendly, chatty and caring that I actually quite enjoyed it!

    I have mainly been pottering around the house and doing a little light dusting this week. I have also been using up some out of date (but still perfectly edible) food that we were given. I am itching to get planting, but it is still too early here, so I am just mulling over what seeds I need to buy. Here's to the growing season ahead. Let's hope it's a good one for all of us!
