~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Potato Salad

A couple of days ago we cooked a pot of potatoes to have stewed potatoes with a meal.  While we were cooking we cooked enough to have some leftover to make potato salad.  Later when cleaning up the kitchen from that meal, I boiled eggs (from our chickens) and set them in the refrigerator to be used when I made the potato salad.

Today, I pulled the potatoes and eggs out of the refrigerator and set about making potato salad.  I peeled and chopped the eggs and added them to the potatoes.

Next, I pulled sweet pickle relish from the refrigerator, from last summer's canning season, olives from my pantry shelf (purchased on sale some time last year) and left over onion slices from a previous meal.

I chopped the onions, sliced the olives and together with the sweet pickle relish added all three to the potato and egg mixture.

In went salad dressing and a bit of yellow mustard.  I gave it a good mixing with a wooden spoon, gave it a test tasting and decided that it was just right.  Into the refrigerator it went for all the flavors to meld together.


She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

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  1. I have had a hankering for potato salad lately but I am the only one who eats it here. It is so hard to make a small amount. It just seems to multiply once I start on it! We did double potato cubes on Sunday when we were making mashed potatoes and half will be used for breakfast tomorrow. Every little bit of prep work ahead sure does help! Our oldest daughter in law commented a few years ago when she was here that I can just go in my kitchen and make anything I want to without going to the store. Isn't it great to have that well stocked pantry that yields wonderful meals without a grocery store trip?

    1. Lana, every little bit of prep work ahead does indeed help when it comes to prep. And yes, it is great to have a well-stocked pantry that we can whip up nourishing meals from without going to the grocery store! You said it so well!!!

  2. Yum! That sure looks good. I haven't made potato salad in a long time! Nancy

  3. I must ask, what are stewed potatoes? Potato salad is my husband's favorite, but more in the summer - that may be my fault though. I had a frugal potato cooking day this summer when the potatoes I had grown had sprouted to many eyes, so I cut off slices to plant back into the garden and peeled the rest of the potato and made potato salad for my husband. This is what I've been doing for potato planting this past season, but sometimes I purchase organic potatoes from my food co-op and use the sprouted ones in much the same way - everyone wins and my husband is very happy!!! I really like the new feature on meal cooking!

    1. Tracy, stewed potatoes are when you peel and cut up your potatoes in chunks, place them in enough water to cover them plus a little, add seasoning, cook them until tender then take a few out of the pot, smash them around, add them back to the pot and use them to thicken the potatoes. They are so good!
