~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Ham Chunks

Thus far my winter preserving for 2019 has included, chicken, chicken broth, pinto beans, pulled pork and now ham chunks.

The ham chunks were from this ham and had been put in the freezer until I was ready to do something with them.  (I only used the chunks, the slices were frozen for future meals.)

If this ham had been a regular cut ham and not a spiral cut one, I would not have cooked it first.  I would have cut it into the size pieces I wanted and canned it.

I didn't have enough for a full canner, just these 2 jars, so I processed them along with jars of pinto beans in the same canner.  Since both had to process for the same time and poundage (weight) it worked out good!  (Please consult a reputable canning book for instructions on canning and preserving all foods.)

How will I use this canned ham?  In soups, stews, casseroles, pot pies, etc.


She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

My pantry is intentional, purposeful, simple, practical, frugal and what works for my family.  It’s the food items and household supplies that keep my household running smoothly ready and available when they are needed.  It’s my contribution to our family’s economy and my work-from-home ‘job.'

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  1. Dear Patsi,
    I have really enjoyed following along with your winter canning. Colton knows I'm serious about this now and is looking to run gas into the kitchen (we have a gas water heater not too far from the kitchen) and buy me a new stove that I will be able to pressure can on!! We need to do some studying and saving for this before it happens but I am so excited. All the things I can can!!
    Love, Kelsey

    1. Kelsey, canning opens up so many more possibilities with food preservation. Sounds like you are well on your way to adding lots of home-canned food to your pantry.

  2. That's great that the ham could go in with the pintos. I often run the canner with multiple types of beans in one load depending on what I need at the time. Do you have a source to save on the lids?

    1. Lana, unfortunately, I don't. Every once in a while I will run across a sale but not often. I just keep 'lids' on my grocery store list and every time I go to the grocery store (or almost every time) I throw a box in my buggy.

    2. Thanks for the reply. The best I have found is at Dollar General but they only have regular mouth lids. For years they were a dollar a dozen but now they are 1.69. I did buy a set of both regular and wide mouth Tattler lids but have not had the courage to use them which is just silly.

  3. That canned ham looks delicious. Patsy, thank you so much for this winter canning series! You are inspiring and teaching far more people than you could even guess!
