~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Monday, October 4, 2021

Home-made Pizza for the Freezer! Part 1: The Crust

 I've really tried to be intentional lately on getting some freezer meals and snacks into the freezer.  One of the things on my list to add was was home-made pizzas.  We enjoy a good pizza so I set to work to customize them to our liking and then add a few to the freezer. 

This is the crust I chose to use.  Yes, I could have made a pizza crust but I opted to go this route and we weren't disappointed.

I unrolled it and stretched it out on my pizza stone.  Then I placed this pie pan on top of it for my cutting guide as we wanted to do smaller pizzas.  (Before unrolling the dough onto the stone I sprayed it down with cooking oil.)

I used a regular table knife and went around the outside of the pie pan and this is the result.  I removed the surplus dough and set it outside to reform and roll out for another pizza.  I got 2 pizza crusts out of each roll of pizza dough.

The instructions on the pizza dough container said to cook the dough for 8 minutes at 425 degrees.  That's what I did, this is what it looked like when I took it out of the oven.  I transferred it to a cooling rack and got another crust ready to go into the oven.

That's how I did the crust, I had enough pizza crust dough to do seven pie pan size pizzas.  (It would have been eight but we used half a roll to make pizza pot pies, a recipe my hubby got off of a cooking show we watched while waiting in an auto shop for our vehicle to be repaired!  They were quite good as well!)

In the next post, I'll walk you through how I put the pizza's together and how I prepared them for going into the freezer.

Do you make pizza's for your freezer?  

Until next time!


A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

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  1. I have not made them ahead for the freezer but an interested in giving it a try. We don't use tomato sauce on our pizzas though so I am wondering if they would just be a mess without some glue to hold the cheese on. For the last few years we have been buying the 20 count pack of soft pitas at Sam's club for around $4.50 and making our pizzas on those which is quick and easy. We keep precooked sausage and bulk packs of pepperoni in our freezer at all times for pizzas and weighed out packs of mozzarella bought in bulk in the freezer as well.

    1. Lana, I'm not sure how they would do without some kind of sauce. If you try it please let me know how it does. That's a good idea to use the soft pitas for the crust, we'll have to try that the next time we need to restock our pizza supply. I also like the idea of keeping precooked toppings and mozzarella cheese on hand ready to put a pizza together. Those are some good tips!

  2. I used to make up fresh dough and pre-bake them and put them in the freezer. I forget the exact time, etc....when I needed a quick meal I would pull out a crust, let the kids put the toppings on (I always did the sauce, they were KIDS after all. LOL)Then rebake it until the toppings were "done". (Golden brown and pepperoni curled up a bit) It was always a hit. Wish I still had kids at home. I miss those nights.

    1. Cass, It sounds like you have a beautiful memory of kids and pizzas!
