~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Re-canning Pizza Sauce!

This summer, while we had an abundance of tomatoes, I made Italian tomato sauce a.k.a. pizza sauce.  Apparently though, I didn't make enough because we were down to a couple of pint jars when I decided to make pizzas for the freezer!  I knew two pints wasn't enough so the next time we were in Sam's Club I purchased one #10 size can of pizza sauce and set it aside.  A short time later I decided that since I was going to be working with pizza sauce that I would purchase additional cans and re-can some for my pantry.   All together I purchased three #10 cans for this project.

(I had already opened one can and recycled it before I remembered to take a picture. That's why there are only 2 cans in the picture.)

Out of the three #10 cans I ...

re-canned 16 pints of pizza sauce
used the remaining sauce in making ...
1 large pizza
2 pizza pot pies
and 7 personal size pizzas for the freezer.

Here's what I did to re-can the sauce ...

I dumped the pizza sauce in a big pot and heated it up.  While the sauce was warming, I sterilized the jars and got my pressure canner ready to use.

Once the jars were filled and the lids/rings put on I pressured canned them (pints) for 20 minutes at 10 lbs pressure.  (I used the same instructions I used to can the Italian tomatoes earlier in the summer, only I started with the sauce and not the raw materials.)

There are so many ways to stock a pantry and one of them is re-canning certain items (Not everything can be re-canned, so do your research before investing in something that is not going to turn out good.)

Have you tried re-canning?  If so, what are some things you've re-canned?

Until next time!


A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27

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  1. Ooh a pizza pot pie? That sounds yummy.

  2. What a good idea! Thanks! We are planning to do some re-canning. I suppose spaghetti sauce would be the same as pizza sauce. Will do some research before starting the project.

    1. Donna, I have re-canned spaghetti sauce before with success.
