~ from my home to yours ... ~
I love our little home, it's perfect for us! There's warmth and love within its walls and yes, mason jars, home preserved foods, herbs, books, WIP projects, lots of snuggly quilts, a swing on the front porch and a rocking chair nearby! We call it home and we call ourselves blessed. We give God the glory for He has had and continues to have His hand in it all!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Encouragement and Sweet Potato Pie!

I never knew how much I liked sweet potato pie until we moved to the area where we live now, and an older woman of the church invited us to her home where she served one as part of the meal.

I don't recall having sweet potatoes much growing up and when we did, well, I don’t remember them being something I looked forward to having.

So, when this dear woman served us a piece of her sweet potato pie, I was going to be a good guest and eat it.  I still remember that first bite, it felt like it absolutely melted in my mouth and the flavor and taste just exploded all over my tastebuds.  This woman was a good cook and I know that the rest of the meal was quite good as well (she also cooked the best fried chicken I ever put in my mouth), but that sweet potato pie stands out in my mind.  Yes, it was that good to me!

I shared with her how much I enjoyed the meal and especially the sweet potato pie.  You guessed it, occasionally, she would call and say something like, ‘I just took two sweet potato pies out of the oven, and one of them is yours, come and get it at your convenience.’   I or my husband always did!  

Her and her husband had to move from our area due to health issues several months ago but every time it gets sweet potato harvesting time, I think of all those delicious pies she made and shared with me and I smile.

This dear woman and I became good friends, and she encouraged me in so many ways, her sweet potato pies being just one!

Today, I made a sweet potato pie and I thought of Mrs. D and the wonderful mentor she was to me.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.  I Thessalonians 5:11

Now, who do I know that needs encouraging today and maybe a piece of sweet potato pie?

Until next time, 


Sharing 42 years' experience of frugal living and pantry building (if you include my frugal childhood, well that would add a few more years to my experience!)

A Working Pantry

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine 

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

A Working Pantry is a way of life, a lifestyle if you will!

My pantry is intentional, purposeful, simple, practical, frugal and what works for my family.  It’s the food items and household supplies that keep my household running smoothly ready and available when they are needed.  It’s my contribution to our family’s economy and my work-from-home ‘job.' 

You can follow A Working Pantry on Instagram for more of our daily doings!

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  1. Honestly I have never tasted it. Those sweet older ladies are a treasure and are such a blessing.

    1. Lana, this dear lady introduced me to them. Up until that time I had never had one either. And yes, the older ladies are a treasure and blessing!

  2. Oh what a wonderful memory. Please share the recipe if possible. You are such a blessing.

    1. I don't have her recipe, but I did put a link in the post above to the one I used. It's very similar in taste.

  3. I used my pumpkin pie recipe but used sweet potatoes instead. I love pumpkin pies and sweet potato pies!

    1. Practical Parsimony, that's a good little tip, interchanging the pumpkin with sweet potato ... how smart! Thank you for sharing!
