~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Friday, December 16, 2022

Blogmas 2022: 12/16/22

Today was another 'get ready for Christmas' kind of day!  Here's what I got up to ...

I pulled out another pair of Christmas jammies ... yes, I have Christmas jammies!  I purchased the bottoms last year at a local big box store and added a simple red t-shirt to complete the set.  I think they are just so cute!

We tried a new to us recipe for our main meal of the day today and we both agreed that it was a keeper.

Cheeseburger soup!  I used half as many potatoes as the recipe called for, twice as much ground beef and substituted half and half for the milk ... the half and half needed to be used, so that's what I did.  Otherwise, I followed the recipe as written. All the ingredients came from our pantry or our garden!  

I dressed up a few 'Pez' for some local kids in our lives.  

Gifts don't have to be expensive!  

It's easy to take something simple and inexpensive, dress it up and turn it into a gift that others would like to receive.  

I've heard the intended recipients of these gifts say that they love 'Pez' ... there you go, it's as easy as listening and taking note!

When my hubby went to our local feed store this afternoon to get animal feed, he was given a fully cooked smoked pork loin.  This feed store loads a huge grill every year and cooks up several for their best customers.  They have always been quite tasty!

I told hubby we would have it for our main meal of the day tomorrow along with fresh from the garden cabbage and fresh from the garden carrots.

I'll sauté the cabbage in a little bacon grease and roast the carrots!   

A meal fit for a king and queen!!!

Until tomorrow!

Merry Christmas from us to you!


Sharing 42 years' experience of frugal living and pantry building 

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine 

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

A Working Pantry is a way of life, a lifestyle if you will!

My pantry is intentional, purposeful, simple, practical, frugal and what works for my family.  It’s the food items and household supplies that keep my household running smoothly ready and available when they are needed.  It’s my contribution to our family’s economy and my work-from-home ‘job.' 

You can follow A Working Pantry on Instagram for more of our daily doings!

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  1. You are so creative! I have Christmas jammies, too! Today we made a gallon of Muddy Buddies and put it in jars and into the fridge. Our kids and grandkids love it! I also sorted out all the cheese in the extra fridge. Everything we need for Christmas meals is in the main fridge and inventory taken of the huge supply we have on hand.

    1. Lana, your kids and grandkids are going to love being at your house! Your preparations are going to allow everyone to enjoy the holidays even more!

  2. Oh Patsi, your pj's are adorable! I loved your comment about gifts not needing to be expensive. My MIL commented at Thanksgiving (it was at her house) that she needed new cookie sheets. So I bought her some for Christmas. Any ideas on how to jazz up the packaging? I'd certainly appreciate it!

    1. Jennilee, thank you! I have a couple of suggestions for wrapping the cookie sheets (1) if they are in a box, wrap box in festive paper and use ribbon to make it more festive (a quick online search will give you plenty of inspiration for ribbon and bow options) (2) If the cookie sheets are not in a box, I would stitch up a festive fabric bag to slide them in, then I would tie up a big festive bow gathering the top of the bag together. If you don't sew or if time is of the essence, a clean, white (not clear), size appropriate garbage bag could be used in the same way. If the garbage bag idea is used, I would wrap the cookie sheets in tissue paper before sliding them inside to make sure nothing shows through the bag. Maybe these ideas will inspire some of your own.

    2. Thank you, Patsi! I'm definitely inspired!
