~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mornings with Me: 9/19/24

 After breakfast and my morning routine, I headed outside to care for the chickens and to do this ...

... gather dying flower heads for the seeds hidden in them.  

The last ones I brought in for decor purposes were full of seeds which told me it was time to start harvesting them.  As the flower heads dry, the seeds will fall out onto the bottom of the box top, at which time I'll harvest and store them until time to plant next year.

After that I bagged up peach slices that were flash frozen overnight.  I'll use these in smoothies ... yum!

With all the traveling we've recently been doing, my time for any deep studying of God's Word has been limited.  This morning, I felt so hungry for some deep studying of God's Word that I sat down and did just that.  In fact, I spent way more time than I meant too, but I was just so hungry for it, and it was so satisfying that I just didn't stop.  I asked God continually for a hunger for His Word and He has been faithful in answering my prayers.

Seeing that I spent most all of the morning studying God's Word, I don't have anything else to share.  How was your morning?  I love reading your comments about your mornings, they are encouraging and inspirational!

There won't be a 'Mornings with Me' post tomorrow as our regular 'Hunkering Down' post will be posted.  In fact, it will likely be Tuesday before 'Mornings with Me' appears again.

Don't forget to leave a comment!

until next time,

mrs. patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. I like these posts! Those flowers are beautiful in that box.

    A few days ago I got out my jar of flash frozen strawberry slices and found they were all frozen together.So, for lack of something better to do I put them in the refrigerator to thaw. Yesterday they were all thawed so I drained the juice into a saucepan and added water, sugar and cornstarch and cooked it until thick. I stirred in the strawberry slices and poured it into a graham cracker pie crust that was in my pantry. It is delicious! Not pretty like a fresh strawberry pie but so good.

    Today I have accomplished nothing.except making breakfast .Some days I get up in too much pain to function and I just have to roll with it.

  2. We have been washing away, too. Yet, the ground is already dry after nearly 5” of rain. Looks like fall is here and it’s time to hunker down…. I think it’ll be a cold winter, don’t you?
