~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~ surviving today's economy ~ a can-do spirit and attitude ~

Friday, January 13, 2023

A Journal of My Days: 1/13/23 (Canning Field Peas)

I got up this morning and even before I started my normal morning routine, I started a load of laundry and ...

pulled these red field peas from the pantry to can.

I put them in a pot of water, brought them to a boil, put a lid on the pot, turned off the stove and let them set until this afternoon.  Once this was done, I began my regular morning routine and proceeded with my day.

While we were eating our main meal of the day later in the day, I placed pint jars in the oven to sterilize.  When we finished eating and before I cleaned up from our meal, I filled the jars and placed them in the pressure canner to process.  While they processed, I washed dishes and cleaned up from our meal.  Shortly after the processing time was over and once the canner had cooled down, I set the jars out and listened for the ping.  I got 8 pints from those 2 bags.  I'll leave them to set overnight, and, in the morning, I'll wash down the jars, label them, and add them to my pantry.

That's how I spent this Friday, the 13th!

From the archives:  this post is from 2016 ...

Until tomorrow!


Sharing 42 years' experience of frugal, prudent living and pantry building 

A Working Pantry

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine 

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

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  1. I have never heard of a red field pea but they look delicious. I am in the south, grew up on black eyed, purple hulled, cream peas and green sweet peas all garden grown. I now use a lot of dried beans and peas, keep the pantry full of choices. I have never seen those. Can you share, is this item something that is common only where you live? Maybe it is a pea that we call something else in the southern US?

    1. Texas, I had never heard of it until we moved to this area many years ago. I haven't looked for it anywhere else so I don't know if it's available in other areas. Sorry! I keep a variety of dried beans and peas in our pantry too.

    2. What part of the USA are you in? I love to cook and am not familiar with these peas either

  2. Those eight jars are like money in the bank! We started the day with a call that the part for our dishwasher had come in. We are thankful to have our helper repaired and working again. Only $17 thankfully. While Hubby was out he stopped at a salvage grocery that we don't get near very often and found a great deal. Tonight we had a casserole using a jar of our home canned chicken breast. It was enough for three meals so we ate one, put one in the freezer and saved one for Sunday. After I put the casserole together I mixed up a double batch of granola and it went into the oven with the casserole.

    Today I saw some sobering statistics. 70% of Americans cannot afford all they need at the grocery store and 1 in 4 adults is skipping meals to feed their children. Now the real reason that we have stocked and stocked over the last year is coming clear but my heart hurts for those who are struggling.

    1. Lana, those are sobering statistics and when you hear it from peoples on mouths it makes those statistics even more real.

      I'm glad you were able to fix your dishwasher, ours recently quit working for the last time.

      My heart goes out to those who are struggling. I hope these hard times instils the need to get better prepared as they are able. It was hard times along with a heritage of keeping a well-stocked pantry that made me know and realize that having a well-stocked pantry is an insurance policy I couldn't refuse to put in place.

    2. Ugh! I am sorry about your dishwasher. Fortunately we just had a broken door latch.

      I get the Dave Ramsey newsletter in my email and nearly every one has a link to how to save money at the grocery store. Every single time the first thing on the list is choose a cheaper grocery store. We were in Publix for the loss leaders and an elderly lady was moaning over the prices. I suggested she try Aldi because the particular item she had in her hand was about 60% cheaper there. She said oh no she didn't like shopping there because she had to bag her own groceries and take them to the car. Our Publix is still mobbed every time we go there so I guess people are still willing to pay double and triple just because they do get treated like royalty there. It just boggles my mind!

    3. Lana, my store loyalty goes to the one or ones where I can get the best prices! I can't afford to cater to the most popular or expensive, popularity never impressed me anyway!!

  3. We must be on the same wavelength. This morning, after I'd started the coffee pot, I pulled my chicken stock from the refrigerator, skimmed a little of he fat that had formed, and poured it into pint jars and set them in my stock pot to boil. And, then I poured myself a cup of coffee and heated my breakfast. Four pints of chicken stock waterbathed and cooling, and an almost 5th pint in the refrigerator for making chicken pot pie for tomorrow's dinner.
