~ from my home to yours, living the Working Pantry lifestyle ~ surviving today's economy ~ a can-do spirit and attitude ~

Friday, September 8, 2023

A Journal of my Days: 9/8/23

The temps this week have been in the mid to upper 90's with the feel like temps over 100 degrees!  It's hardly the kind of weather that makes you think of fall, yet every once in a while, a glimpse of fall sneaks in reminding us that relief is on the way!

Despite the hot and humid weather (yes, we're still dealing with high humidity as well), it's time to think fall planting and that's what we've been focusing on this week.

We planted collards ...

and broccoli (on the left side in the picture) and cabbage (on the right).

On a different note, hubby went to town to run some errands and stopped in at the grocery store.  There was a sign that said '4 ears of corn for $1' so he picked up 4 ears and decided to ask if he could buy a box of corn (that's a really good price).  They said yes and he took the box along with the 4 ears he already had selected to the check-out.  The box of corn rang up $26!!!  Hubby had 'guestimated' the amount in his head, and it wasn't $26 so he questioned the total.  When he was told the corn was $.50 per ear, he very nicely informed them that the sign said, '4 for $1.'  The manager got involved and sure enough hubby was right, and they had to let him have it at the advertised price.  Needless to say, the sign was promptly removed!  It really pays to pay attention to store advertising!   He brought the corn home, and we preserved it that afternoon!

We purchased these tomatoes on our travels. (We were told they were the Mr. Stripey heirloom variety ... which means we'll be saving seeds!) Yes, they are as good as they look!  We are enjoying them on bacon and tomato sandwiches, which we had 3 times this week!

I baked 2 pumpkin pies, one for us and one to share!  It was just the right way to kick off the 'Fall' season!

On the fitness front, I had to buy new scales this week and of course I don't weigh the same on them as I did on the old scales.  I know the number the scale gives is not the most important thing, but for me it's a tool that I use to help me stay in the boundaries I've set for myself.  I'm working on getting the number on the new scales to match the number on the old scales ... it's about a 5-pound difference!!!  My old scales were obviously worn out!  Let me share this before I move on, while away I attended a health/fitness class where the instructor made the following comment, 'you can't out exercise what you eat!'  That really resonated with me and reminded me that I can't expect to lose or maintain weight by exercising only.  Maybe somebody besides me needed to hear or be reminded of that!

I got a little behind in my Scripture writing but am working to get caught back up.  I'm almost finished writing the book of Esther. I went ahead and started the next book, Romans, with the group so I'm doing two writings per day.  I also finished the year long Digging Deep Bible study, God of all Comfort, I did last year and started this year's study titled The Crown.  I pray for God to give me a craving for His word, I want to want to study His word.  He has and I do!

That's it for today, I'm still playing catch up with my posting so I may continue posting daily for a few days ... and then I may not.  It might be Friday before I post again ... unless Hurricane Lee decides to do something crazy and head straight for our area instead of making the predicted curve.  If you are a praying person, I invite you to join me in praying that this monster hurricane does not make landfall anywhere.  Needless to say, we are watching it closely and making preparations ... just in case!

Until next time,

patsi @ A Working Pantry

She looketh well to the ways of her household … Proverbs 31:27 

Sharing 43 years' experience of frugal, prudent living and pantry building 

My second blog:  From This Heart of Mine, where I share my love for God and His Word through my personal Bibe study.  Physical preparedness is important, but not near as important as spiritual preparedness.  Join me over at From This Heart of Mine and study God's Word with me.

Items I use in keeping my pantry well-stocked:


Dehydrator Teflon Sheets

Dehydrator Cookbook

Food Saver Vacuum Sealer

Herb/Coffee Bean Grinder

Manual Food Chopper

Pressure Canner

Canning Supplies

Food Scale

You can view my privacy policy HERE.

Thank you for using my Amazon affiliate link when placing your Amazon orders. I earn a small percentage that doesn't increase what you pay, and it helps me keep my pantry well-stocked! 

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links.  This means that if you click on the link and place an order, etc I earn a small fee at no increased cost to you. Thank you for your support through these means.


  1. Hmmm...corn was 4/$1 in the ad at Food Lion up until Tuesday and it was really good. I thought seriously about getting some to freeze but then I was glad I didn't because I could not have gotten it done due to pain. This too will get better. I'm glad you were able to get the good price and get it preserved. Scales make me so upset that Hubby will not let me get on them. That said I am getting smaller so that is all I need to know at the moment. But, they are so frustrating especially if you go to the Dr and their scales weigh in at 10 pounds more! Our big cool down is coming in tomorrow and thank you Lord for the cold front that will keep that hurricane away from the coast! We have been praying for it to turn away. Those tomatoes look so, so good that I think I can taste them! Our tomatoes are just now starting to ripen after all summer of waiting.

    We had a banner week of salvage grocery store deals and $102 worth at Publix for $22. We really don't need to venture into a store now for awhile. We get to see one son's family this weekend but sadly they are here for a funeral as our DIL grandmother passed away at age 102 down in the low country.

    Have a good weekend!

    1. Lana, I'm sorry you are still dealing with pain, but am glad that it is less often. The corn was at our local Food Lion one day after the sale ended.

      You are an amazing shopper, one of these days when we're coming through there and have time, we need to go sale and thrift shopping together. I just know that the 4 of us would be a force to be reckoned with!!!

      Feel better soon!

    2. It would be so fun to go get the deals together! Bring a BIG cooler for the salvage stores!!

  2. Hi! A girlfriend of mine always has said this phrase “you can’t outrun your fork”. Very true. ;). Love your blog, I don’t comment often, but want to thank you for all the time and effort you spend! Hilogene in Az.

    1. Hilogene, that's exactly what the instructor of the class was saying, 'you can't outrun your fork!' Thank you for your words of encouragement!

  3. Good morning from Chicago! Our temps have finally settled into Fall-like temps. My tomatoes and peppers are starting to wind down, but I should have some to harvest for the next couple of weeks, given what's still green on the plants. I'm pretty sure our Fall season is too short to get much in for a fall harvest, but I'll need to read up on that for next season. Corn ... I remember the days when you could get good sweet corn -- peaches & cream -- for $1.50/dozen. Thought about putting it up, but don't have the freezer space. My autumn cleaning is in full force, and my canning supplies have gone back on the shelf. I may bring them back out if I decide to do apples. I've pretty much decided to try and keep hard squash in the garage for the winter months, rather than process it. Will just set traps around my basket, in case any "critters" get into the garage. We're still a couple of weeks away from acorn, butternut, and pie pumpkins being ready.

    1. Lori, I remember when you could get 'peaches and cream' corn (our favorite) for $1.50/dozen too! Those days are gone!!!

      I just gave our pepper plants a good fertilizing and working out. I hope to get at least 2 more harvests from them before it gets too cool. I still need to make some hot pepper relish and will use them to do so.

      I think the hard squash would do just fine in your garage and it sounds like you have a plan for the 'critters!'

  4. We’ve had a couple of thunderstorms today in Garner. Cooked it down just a bit.
    I’m working on portion control. That can be hard when you really love the food

    1. Lee Ann, we had a cooler day today for the same reason! Portion control is really the bottom line, isn't it regardless of the method one uses. I wish you much success!
